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Posts posted by samuel_eldersveld

  1. Quoting from the National Geographic web site (FAQ photography):



    "What types of film do National Geographic photographers use?"


    "Nearly all use 35mm transparency film, such as Fuji Provia 100, Fuji Velvia 50, Kodachrome 64, and Kodachrome 200. Brand and type are up to the photographer, but most use three or four different emulsions, depending on the situation. They also use small amounts of other 35mm transparency emulsions as well as some 35mm color negative and larger format films. In 1995 they shot 32,000 rolls of film on magazine assignments."


    "What types of cameras do they use?"


    "It?s up to the photographers, and their most popular choices are Canon and Nikon 35mm SLRs and the Leica M6 range finder."

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