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Image Comments posted by bonsignore_ezio

  1. I don't feel qualified to discuss the technical or/and artistic qualities of the photo, but I'm extremely intrigued by its naturalistic content. It is my understanding that the chances for a bear and a wolf to simply lie/sit close to each other, apparently without the one minding the other, are exceedingly slim. Could the Author please explain how this extraordinary photo came into being? Was the bear perhaps liying down, and than the wolf arrived and simply sat near to it?

  2. I wouldn't doubt for a moment you statement about this superb image not being a PS creation, but then: how was the car driven to that point, without leaving any track? How did the driver leave the car, without leaving footprints or creating mud splashes? Perhaps the car was already parked there, before the rainfall? or there is something I don't understand, about the nature of salt beds with water on top? I'm absolutely not "challenging" you - I'm just plain curious.


  3. Apart from the superb mastering of the macro technique, what makes this photo particularly outstanding are of course the two black (spots? reflections?) in the critter's eyes, which look like pupils starting directly at us. I would be very curious to know whethere these were natural spots (in which case your observation spirit leaves me in awe) or artificial reflections (in which case your technique is even more superb than already stated). Unless, of course, you are yourself one of THEM....
  4. Paolo, I didn't use the word "fake" and I would certainly accept your statement at their face value. Also, if this were a fale you would have most probably made the moon much larger. Still, it remains that I cannot comprehend how the moon and the rising sun could be seen together. The moon at the first quarter is about 90 degrees from the sun. What day was this?
  5. Yes, very nice, but AFAIK it is not possible to have the sun and the moon in this position in the same corner of the sky. If the sun is coming up behind the ridge, the moon should be behind the photographer's shoulder. Looks like a photoshop montage - or I am missing something?
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