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Posts posted by phyrpowr

  1. <p>Are you using the "Green Square" mode (can't recall the actual name)? My experience is that it picks the wrong focal point almost always. The focal point should show with a lit red square in the viewfinder. Place it for center focus, then test as described above. </p>
  2. <p>Michael, a case here in NC quite some years ago ruled that urination on the side of the road, if the person was making some effort to conceal himself (but wasn't totally successful) was NOT public exposure/indecency, the intent of the accused being the determining factor.</p>

    <p>In the above cited case, it would also seem that intent is the key: did this guy intend to show himself to the public, or was he acting with reasonable expectation of privacy?</p>

    <p>I too gave up nude photography, due more to the "sunburn factor"</p>

  3. <p>Like Mark L., for me it was a workshop (Rocky Mountain School, Tim Cooper & Doug Johnson). Tim would routinely ask, at the critiques, "why is this in here?", "what does that do to help this shot?" He'd crop shots brutally (in a pleasant manner), and the result was always better than what we started with</p>

    <p>It REALLY got me to think about "what am I taking a picture OF?"</p>

  4. <p>Gerry, I think the problem is that the subject really doesn't know where that shot will end up: your scrapbook of cool places, or on some website (W/NW for example) with some snotty caption or comment under it. And the business likewise has no idea as the use that will be made of their premises and customers. </p>

    <p>I know all of us here at PNet are honest and caring and empathetic and creative and just peachy, but hey<em>, somebody </em>is out there providing shots for that "People of Wal-Mart" site. If you owned a coffe shop, how would you react when your customers came screaming up asking why you let some "investigative journalist" run their pix in your place on the "Nazi Corporate Greed" blog?</p>

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