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Image Comments posted by colespann

    Belly Up


    My daughter and niece belly up to the bar at an old fashioned saloon

    in the Sand Hills of Nebraska. (They're only drinking water :) ).


    Comments, suggestions...please!

  1. The composition on this shot is cool...everything is lined up just perfectly and with the x's down the middle, it creates a cool effect. Did you convert this from a color photo? There is no contrast between the pillars and the water...they are so much the same on the left that they blend together. If you have this in color (as your film selection would indicate) I'd love to see it. Tones in this one are a bit muddy.

    The Local


    This is a cool shot...however, it looks a little "askew" as if maybe he's going to slide right off the bench. It could be an optical illusion, but I think maybe rotating it slightly would help. It's also a shame that the background is so faded. I'd like to see either with NO hint of the beach/trees, etc. or with a little more. I don't know if this is how the orignal was or if you brightened it up a bit in PS. I also think the shot would be more effective if it were cropped to the edge of the bench. I've taken the liberty of cropping it down and darkening it a bit...just another perspective.

  2. Actually, and don't laugh...I did these in the garage :) I'll look into getting a reflector...I'm SUCH a novice. 99% of my photos are taken with natural light only. I don't even own a flash yet, but I borrowed one from a buddy and just took my first 3 rolls of film with it. Still practicing. Thanks for the suggestion!
  3. It seems like there's a lot of stuff crammed into this frame. I think it would have been more effective without the bench...or if the bench and the large pots had traded places. Also, I love the chandelier in the mirror, but I think the fact that you see the bottom of it in the upper left is a little distracting. Sorry..it's just too much stuff for me.

    The piano

    I like the shot and the narrow depth of field, however, it looks a bit crooked...might help if you could have included the tops of the black keys in the lower left corner.
  4. Absolutely not! I welcome the critiques...I want to learn, and that helps me! My friends and family look at all of my photos and think they are wonderful!!! The biased opinions don't help me much :)
  5. Thank you for honest comments...I never even noticed the crooked column, but you are right. (And I had had a few glasses of wine at the time...excuses, excuses!) I see what you mean also about the backlighting behind her head, but it's also part of what I like in the shot...just me :) I'll see if I can at least straighten this out in PS.
  6. I'm also an amateur, but I know what I like, and I do like this shot. Did you colorize it a bit more, or are the colors original to the shot? It really jumped off the page at me. My only suggestion would be to crop it a smidge at the right and bottom. I think it will give it a more intimate appearance, as well as lengthen the appearance of the wall to the left.

  7. Thanks for your comment and suggestion! I did try cropping that right side at first, but I couln't get past the fact that the trees then just ran off the edge of the page. I like the sense of "completion" it has cropped in its current form. Is the hot spot too distracting?
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