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Image Comments posted by jane_monroe


    nope, no assistant. I shot this in my tiny bathroom, with the tripod perched high above me. I have a remote, so once I had the basic framing as good as I could get it, I just took a half dozen or so where it went like this: get mostly submerged, push remote fire button, drop it outside the tub and sink in, dry off my hands and do it again. Ah, the glamour of a self-portrait. heh.


    I don't know why I didn't think of using a wide-angle lens so I could get more of the top hand... that was silly. As it was, the crop at the left side is just all I could fit in the frame in the tiny space I was shooting it in.



    wasn't sure whether I should actually take out the bit of bathtub showing by altering

    in PS, but opted not to. The water really was that color, the PS is cropping and a bit

    of toning.



    yeah - I actually shot these with the sepia filter, so this is un-retouched in Photoshop, but I agree I think it'd be better in B&W. I never tried that setting before directly in the camera. hrm...


    thanks for the feedback!

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