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Image Comments posted by patsy_latscha


    Great shot, really fine lighting and composition, you really know how to capture these zebras well, I love how the light shines in his right eye, everything about this just really works fine.


    What a superb capture, most unusual, I have never seen anybody get the whole wing spread like this, lovely composition and great tonal range. Even more amasing for him to have a fish in his mouth, outstanding all around. Have a very Merry Holiday !


    So while I was in the hospital you were sneaking off getting these fabuous shots, are they sandhill cranes? I really wanted to go to Bosque to photograph the sandhill cranes this year.

    The Wave

    This is so beautiful and Son's reflection in the water is just perfect, he should pay uou for this. I wish I could have made that hike, it is breath taking.



    Hung Ton is a incredible photographer and does outstanding work, I just returned from a four day photography trip with him which turned out to be a very enlighting experience. He will go to any length to get that perfect shot including little or no sleep for days on end.

    I did discover an evil side to him as well, he will look sad when asked in the field if he got any good shots, and claim he got nothing, just nothing, but then you see this slight smile and you know he really got something, this evil behavior goes on and on even to the point of sharing a card of images that are perhaps the worst shots you have ever seen, of course this is all a trick, not the card with his actual shots of the day.

    He is such a kind, helping, friendly guy, he will carry your equipment, help you set up the best spot, gently direct you to where you will be rewarded with the best shot of the day but wait, don't turn your back, he will quickly disappear, nowhere to be found, now I wonder why he did not want to shoot from that spot, could it be there was yet another even better< I think so.

    Lastly he will not post the shots from this trip, not until everybody else has posted theirs, thinking they did really great work, when you least expect it, his shots will apear, and make all others pale in comparison.

    Is he a great photographer, yes, is he a great guy, yes, would i go again with him, yes, is he down right mischievious and evil, yes, yes, yes.


    This is so outstanding, if you were not such a very nice guy I could really grow to dislike you for having all this talent and patience to capture such wonder shots.


    Yet another fabulous second caught by you, this is amazing, you can see right down into that fishes mouth, I truly believe the "photo Gods" have blessed you with the perfect shots to be had, this is incredible, and the reflection too.


    How lovely, I am so jealous you got to go there again but it looks very cold. maybe this spring Connor and I will drive up there. I so like it when you do landscape work, you are equally talented at this as you are with birds !


    I did have almost the exact same shot from echo park but I threw it away when I saw yours, unlike mine, yours is intricly perfect.


    Makes my day to see you once again posting photos here, this shot is perfect, absolutely in every respect, composition, tone, crop, sharpness, just 100% right, hope this is the start of many more to follow.

    up close

    Thank you for the suggestions. This young blue heron was so very close, I could touch him, I took pics until tired, another guy came and took some and then a third, then my little grandson who had been standing behind me very still and quiet wanted to see how close he could get, it let him touch his back.
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