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Posts posted by andrewcampbell

  1. <p>Video on a DSLR is just another creative tool available to us. I don't think people purchase camaras like the D90 for their video capabilities (or lack of them). I certainly didn't. But after two months with this excellent camera, I can certainly see the potential its video offers--that is if you're up to the challenge and utilize all it has to offer.<br>

    For those of you who complain about complicated menus and features you never use, why don't you just go back to film? There are so many options available to us these days.</p>

  2. <p>The D50 controls noise very well, and is still an excellent camera-even by today's standards. For web work and A4-sized prints it does a commendable job.<br>

    With the D90 I purchased two months ago however I can shoot at ISO 800 with no appreciable gain in noise. And ISO 1600 is also excellent. With my D50 I rarely went higher than ISO 400.<br>

    Also, the quality of the lens used has a lot to do with image noise in my opinion.</p>

  3. <p>I've had my D90 now for a month and am very happy with it. I purchased the body only because I already have an acceptable all-purpose zoom (18-70mm). I'm sure the kit lens is adequate for general use. My advice: consider what type of pictures you plan on taking and go for the best possible lens you can afford to suit your needs.<br>


  4. <p>I've had my D90 now for about a month. It does tend to blow-out the highlights a bit; to address that issue I usually set exposure compensation to -3, or just underexpose slightly (which I've always done in the past) But other than that, the camera is just great--excellent in low-light, compact and light, and extremely comfortable in my large hands.<br>

    Technology is everything these days. And excellent high ISO performance is definitely an advantage.</p>

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