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Image Comments posted by stephen_g_clarke


    the tag on the material is very distracting. When you go to the trouble of organising a model; you must try to make every thing/ prop perfect. The exposure and poss are great; try again

    Wild flower


    Great Scene and Exposure Mircea; everything but the arms is excellent. The lighting is wonderful, your depth of field is perfect…The placement of the arms looks unnatural……

    Maybe if both arms / hands were at the front; on the Bunch……


    A LOVERLEY shot. Well done….



    I don't know how you talked the model into doing this...I have seen some of your other images in this series.....your photography is flawless...These images scream for attention, you have placed 99.9% of humans "fear" into an image onto a "nude". No one can help but look at these photos......


    Hey Martin.....Its a well exposed image....Very interesting subject.......and a lot of fun....you seem to be getting a lot of DEEP and meaningful comments......But from me....."GREAT FUN___and well EXPOSED___and a great LAUGH"
  1. Martin,

    Graet job, when you drape a nude model in white material; she has a classic / roman style. Its a clasic because it works great. The white contrast against her skin is wonderful. You have photographed her very, very well..plaese keep up your great work...


    Well done Carolyn, this image has a wonderfull mood. Your model looks totaly at ease with you, and adds wonderfully to your success.You and the Model have a beautiful image to record this "special time in life". ((I would like to see BOTH arms in this image.))

    Laluca III

    Beautiful Image, good exposure, good light& composition. The eyes are the mirrors of our soul, they say everything, your image says a great deal, excellent-congradulations.


    A pleasant image Brian, it looks soft, but that suits the subject. Your exposure and composition are good. The hair on the left side of the image is distracting, it draws your eye away from her face. All in all a good image.........!!


    If you want to catch some ones eye then use a pretty model wearing something RED, interesting angle and lense choice. My wife doesn't like the earrings, but I do.-well done
  2. Rick, this image has great contrast, good blacks, good whites. I think it could be improved by some dodging in the dark room on the dark side of his face( to show more detail). I think the pose is a little stiff / staged, but it does show some of his enviroment / personality. Yeah lets see some more. I have checked some of your other shots, there are some great ones there. Dark skin is very hard to photograph well with black and white film, keep on trying-well done
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