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Posts posted by uli_theune

  1. All my Nikon equipment I bought in Canada came with a two year warranty from Nikon Canada. I would be surprised if it would be different for the D200 - unless Nikon expects many failures to occur after one year.


    This wouldn't be a good sign :-)

  2. <i>Shun Cheung nov 28, 2005; 08:16 a.m.<br>

    ... You are much better off waiting 3 to 6 months. Let other people and Nikon discover the early bugs. ...</i><br>


    Hmm ... the more people will follow this (or similar) advice the less volunteers will be there to test - and debug - any new camera :)<br>


    Other than that, if you need your tool (ot toy?) soon, you may better go with a big store like B&H, Arodama or so. If not, I always think it is good to support local stores (as long as they last).

  3. One for the 28-105. Although I also prefer primes I realize that I am using this zoom more often than I thought before buying it. Nice range, and good images for a "walk-around lens". Of course it doesn't beat the 35/F2, 50/F1.8, 85/F1.8 ... but who expects that?
  4. Everty time I read about visiting the Hofbrauhaus I have to laugh - it is such a tourist trap ...


    If you come to Munich there are many other (and better) places to visit: if you come for beer during the summer, choose one of the million beer gardens (Biergarten) - if you come to take pictures don't miss the Olympia Park (unfortunately I do not have any pictures of it here :( )


    Lived there for some years many years ago, and still miss it

  5. I am not sure ... if it is dust on the sensor wouldn't you expect the spots to be sharper, more focused? The spots in the photos seem quite blurry to me so the problem may be somewhere else than on the sensor - maybe dust on the lens, as suggested above.


    I never had such a problem since I still use a fresh sensor everytime I take a picture ;-)

  6. The F/N 80 does not have any contacts for wireless radio/infra red remote control. <br>


    The only thing that comes to my mind is a <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=70980&is=REG&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation" >Air (Bulb) Shutter Release</a> that allows to be about 6 m away from the camera. Probably still too short for your purpose.<br>


    Good luck, and instead of renting/buying/borrowing you can think about buying/borrowing/renting a Nikon F/N90 X/S, F100, F5, ..., F3 and other cameras plus their wireless remote control units ...

  7. Optically/physically the lens is constructed such that the focal length is 18 to 70 mm - independent of the film/sensor format. Since digital cameras have a smaller sensor the apparent focal length is longer. You see only a small portion of the entire frame, similar to what you would see when using a 27/28-105 lens on a 24x35 mm frame. The difference between 27 and 28 is rather artificial: 18x1.5 = 27, and the closest standard focal length is 28 mm. Anyway, it is rather "psychologial" than a physical difference between 18-70 mm and 28-105 mm ...
  8. About the use of D-flash or not see what Philip Greenspun writes about it in his <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/nikon/n80">review of the F/N80</a>:


    <i>The brilliant Nikon D flash exposure system ensures that whatever you focussed on is correctedly exposed. For example, in the image below the lens was focussed on the flowers. A standard through-the-lens (TTL) flash exposure system would try to keep dumping out power until the whole frame was nicely illuminated. Since the flowers occupy only a small portion of the frame they'd be blasted white. Nikon is smart enough to compute the appropriate flash duration from subject distance (read from lens) film speed, and aperture:</i>

  9. In short: 9.1 EV is a measure for the intensity of the light coming to the sensor that requires a shutter time of 1/90 sec and an aperature of F5 for an "optimum" exposure at ISO 400. You don't really control this value, but rather shutter time and aperature.
  10. In my opinion the 35 and 50 mm focal length are very close to each other such that there is no real addition if you buy the 35 (my feeling ...). The 28 would probably be of more use with the rest of your lenses ... maybe.
  11. It's some time ago now since I used a F601 and F801 but I do not remember these cameras having an AF-assist light. Only certain (external) flashes provided a patterned(?) red light.


    Why modern cameras have this option? Well, otherwise, you couldn't AF in the darkness, the internal flash doesn't provide any help, and maybe camera engineers do not believe that many users of these cameras will buy an external flash ... Luckily, you can disable this assist line (standard on my F80 ...).

  12. Two (three) comments: First, did you try to digitally convert the photo to b/w - just to see if it would work better for you?


    Personally, I would prefer a bit more DOF, as the person in the center -although part of the group- is a bit lost in 'unsharpness'. I am not a rangefinder shooter (yet) so I do not know if you can check the DOF before seeing the negative/print.


    Just wondering: are the signs at the opposite side of the street important in the overall betting context? If not I would try cropping them ... You know, if I didn't know about the economical situation (as you have mentioned) I would find these distracting.

  13. These questions/suggestions are becoming almost as frequent as these D70+kit lens questions ...


    Anyhow, as it is apparently to difficult to search the entire list of threads for a similar question, maybe a structure as they have it for the <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=1548">Leica forum</a> would be helpful. One section for W/NW threads, one for digital, one for film, ... I don't know how much work this would be but MAYBE it would help these D70+kit lense or what posters to search some recent threads first?

  14. Maybe a solution would be to sell the D70?<br> Otherwise ... if you liked the perspective of the 50 on film, the closest would probably the 35 mm lens. It shouldn't matter what <i>other</i> consider as normal but what <i>you</i> consider as your normal lens. <br> The 35/f2 is a decent lens (my favourite - for film), light, sharp, ... Don't know much about the 28 or cropped 24 ...
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