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Image Comments posted by erik_a


    Very impressive use of color and scale. I enjoy the monochrome nature of this photograph, the resin in the background compliments the rust on the rebar. Of the two images in this folder on the same subject I prefer this one because of it's perspective. The slanted lines are well designed in the frame as is the majority of your work.
  1. I have two questions. The first is the usual aesthetics of the

    image. The second is what are you thoughts on photographing the

    homeless and poor in America? After taking the image below with the

    sign another individual asked me why I had taken the gentleman's

    photograph. It really caught me off guard and made me think about

    the appropriateness of making such images. In the book "Willy Ronis

    55" by Paul Ryan, the author writes, "Ronis Honours the easily

    mocked, the easily pitied, by refusing to photograph them. Choosing

    when not to take a photograph is a mark of integrity, but a hard one

    to illustrate."



    I agree the overall scene is much stronger in my opinion as a fine art photograph. In a gallery this image would still provide the viewer all the detail they could desire at the micro level due to the large format negative. I enjoy the way the photo is framed in the "landscape", perspectively correct, a strong dark border around the image. I appreciate scrints like this, that can acheive a dark quality with such a depth of tone in the shadow. I feel like it pulls me as the viewer into the scene toward the cental bright area.


    Doug- I appreciate your comments about some work being 98% boredom and 2% terror. This photo speaks to me about work in a clear way. I get a serene feeling that all I have to do is sit there and work in my trade to the best of my ability and not worry so much. Eventually I will be able to acheive what this welder has: a calmness and an ablility to work without care to the chaos around him. (I picture this scene as what is in the welder's mind; the actual reality of the construction site is noise, other workers, tools, materials, and debris everywhere). I wouldn't mind having a print of this photo on my desk at work as a reminder of such things.

  2. a nontradition composition, very modern - it fits well with the subject. I like the bullet shaped positve space that you have so well framed with your choice of camera angle allowing the elements of the building to create the negative space and crop the image.
  3. Beautiful portrait. If you believe in Photoshop, you might try to select just the brightest (absolute white) areas in the background and add a very light grey/brown fill similar to the wall beyond. Your image is very eye catching, and memorable.
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