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Image Comments posted by david_troyer

    Fish Food


    I consider this flash image to be one of my finest to date. The colors , the timing and the

    exposure all came together on this one. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in



    Flashy Flashy!


    This is just one we got on a small evening of poor surf. When the waves get bigger and

    more surfable we should be able to get some amazing images. I would love to hear

    comments from everyone!







    Imagine waking up at 4am and swimming into 54deg water. that is what we did for this

    one. Please ignore the vignetting, It is Canon's so called professional services fault. They

    put my lens shade on sideways. Any way, I would love some feedback. David

    saying goodbye...


    This was the largest cremation ceremony in the last 50 years on the island of

    Bali and I was just lucky to be there. I would love to hear what you think of the



    passing by!

    To get this shot you have to have the right conditions. First of all you have to have water that is bathtub clear, Second of all there has to be no wind to make texture on the surface, Third you have to have a working knowledge of waves and the way they are ridden. Lastly, you must have a lack of fear for the reef sharks who live in such waters. If you have all of these things down you are well on your way... I hope everyone enjoys this image and I greatly appreciate all the comments you have written.

    passing by!


    and the conditions are perfect, I like to shoot up at the waves from

    underneath. I hope you all enjoy this image and would appreciate some

    feedback. Thanks, David

  1. I was down at my favorite beach taking some action shots of the local

    surfers. The tide was extremely low and the sky was on fire with the smoke

    and ash from the fires. When the waves rolled in and then receded the

    reflection on the sand was amazing. this image caught my eye. Can you

    guess what it is? All coments are greatly appreciated!

  2. I do know that I was getting rolled on the bottom after I was thrown over the

    falls though! But here is the next shot in the sequence, It gives a little more

    perspective to the action and direction he is headed. I wouldn't be surprised if

    he made this one. He had the speed, the right angle and most importantly and

    opening to shoot for.

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