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Image Comments posted by roger_cherry

    Anna 8

    I'd guess that this is the model's favourite shot. A beautiful woman looking beautiful, nicely lit, DOF could have been a little shallower. It's a good choice of angle to take the shot from but I can't make my mind up whether I'd want to see her right forearm. A lot of people would have had her with both arms back and her face looking up in profile, I think this is a softer, more satisfying shot.

    Anna 4

    I'd say that this pose is quite a classic but it hasn't worked here. The model just doesn't have the shape needed. She has pinned her arms in and that has brought her back in, she really needed to open her shoulders out to get the figure 8. The lighting seems a little too strong from the left and you've lost detail there and, this is just a personal comment, sticking out spines just don't seem very attractive or flattering. I've looked at your other shots of Anna and she certainly seems shapely enough but here she seems boney. Oh, just a small thing, the angle of the table edge is quite distracting.

    Anna 15

    It reminds me of the A-Ha video for "Take on me". Diffusing the mirror was a good choice. You maybe need a little more detail to the model's left hand side of her body which seems to have been lost but, as the guy above says, interesting.


    I had to come and look at this shot as it looked very like the output of a pinhole camera. (a good thing) It has a good mood, thanks mainly to good use of the film, but I don't think you've captured strongly enough the fact we are in a cemetry. I think you really needed to place an easily identifiable object to the fore as this type of film takes away the details. Had you not said it had been taken in a cemetry I wouldn't have known and, what with the chimneys, would have assumed it was some odd cityscape.
  1. good composition, nicely lit but you've categorised this as a nude and for that I would say you need to show a little more of the model's form to make that "suggestion". might be worth revisiting this shot.
  2. a very good series of photos, I'm guessing but I'd say that Karen would have been well pleased with them. this is my favourite then it would be fishnet and then cross. simply composed, well lit, flattering (though you might have lit/posed her to smooth out her nose tip a little) the word I'd use would be alluring.

    On Alert!

    for me, this shot looks too staged. from where it has been taken, you can only imagine that the photographer would interfere the Guard's line of fire. taken from a little further to the left would have brought more of the shadow on the rock into frame and a little less DOF would have been better as well.
  3. a great reason to take your camera everywhere, it seems to give you license to approach all manner of people and people seem to react very differently to you when you if you're toting one. A nice portrait, enough detail in the face and with a very good background. Nicely framed.
  4. I don't really see that moving to the right would have made any sense here. you've got a great composition and really good contrast but I would say that the subject isn't clear. without you saying they were firefighters I would, maybe, have got it eventually. there's nothing (apart from the huge fire truck in the background) that says it's anything other than three guys chilling. nothing wrong with that mind but some sort of point of reference would have been useful.


    great detail and contrast. not exactly a happy child but this comes across as more "real". for some reason it put me in mind of PJ's Jeremy.


    I think this would have greater impact if you cropped it square. The bottom third of the shot doesn't really add anything, the ghost hand is a distraction, and by cropping you would have a tighter composition of the different faces. The half face over the old man's right shoulder, for me, makes the old man's expression ask more from us.


    I think this would benefit from a little editing. The aerial wire running across in the top of the frame, for me, is a distraction and the pole has a similar effect on the foreground. Without those elements the photo would be ageless. Good DOF, contrast, and interesting reflections in the water.


    It's hard to tell from what we have to look at, is it the scan that has rendered the shot out of focus? You haven't got the whole car in frame, the colours are muted and it seems under exposed. The sky seems to have come out ok though.


    A beautiful face with lovely detail and contrast, however, I find the body's setup to be a little distracting and feel the pose of the body creates a confusing background.
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