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Image Comments posted by Rich_Phelan

  1. Submitted as a competition entry for my local photo club where the topic was "The Seven Deadly Sins / Seven Heavenly Virtues".


    I was on a field trip with some other photographers (one is in the background) and we were looking at the Christmas windows at Macy's in downtown Chicago. This was just one of several people looking for help. The image is unfortunately a bit blurry as it was handheld and very low light.

  2. This was taken along a major highway south of Nogales and is one of three shrines to St Death at the site. As it was built by the local drug lord for his workers to use, we didn't stay very long.


    - Rich



    This image was taken of a wall in a stairwell after a fire. The black at the top 2/3 of the image is from the soot. The white verticle lines are from the water used to put out the fire. If you look at the handprints you can see that they are on top of the soot but under the water. They were made some time during the fire.


    - Rich

  3. I was walking around the Midway during the State Fair and stopped for a while at this booth. This couple really caught my eye, but the light was so low that it was hard to get a shot without flash so I turned up the ISO to 3200. This one was a challenge to get the noise out. Here's a 100% crop from the original image. I used the NeatImage plugin and tweaked the analyzed parameters to get this result. I also let NI do the sharpening to a much better result than PS.


    The Pianist 2

    Thanks Amar. I've updated the exposure information and this about as fast as this lens will go. I'll try the 24mm f2.8 next time... or maybe it's time for that 16-35L f2.8??

    The Pianist 2


    Experimenting with a wide angle lens and an extream closeup of my

    grandson. Originally in color, converted to B&W with PS channel

    mixer. Comments and suggestions please!

  4. Witolda - Great tips - thanks. Very quickly yes - they were running at about 181mph at the time. This was my first time trying the panning and I'll use your advice for the next race. Not sure how familiar you are with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway but on the inside at the start finish line there is a 10 story building called the Pagoda that houses the track owners and officials. I was lucky enough to be on the 3rd level of the Pagoda as the guest of a race sponsor. If you like there are more pictures (good and bad!) here.


    The Midway


    Timed exposure of the State Fair Midway. I'm trying to show all of

    the activity, action and motion that goes on in this busy place.

    Comments, suggestion and obseravations welcomed.

  5. Because of the 25 second exposure and a bit of movement in the boats, some of them are a little blurred. I was also experimenting than an Expodisc for custom white balance.


    Comments, suggestions and observations welcomed.

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