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Posts posted by robert_davis5

  1. I live a couple hundred miles North of the storm. On my way to work this A.M. at4 o'clock. Stopped where I always do to get a paper. There was a 4 car caravan that had been on the road for 12 hours and were stopping in every town looking for a vacancy. So far no success. My heart goes out to them and to the others where life like this is the commonplace and not the exception.
  2. I installed a Rolleikin 2 on my 3.5F this weekend. Everything seems

    to work fine but the only problem is the release knob. It will not

    pull out far enough to seat the take up spool easily. I can seat the

    left side first then push the right side spindle back and all is

    fine. However, this will not allow seating a 120 take up spool

    without changing back to the original knob. The directions say that

    you should be able to leave the new knob in place and I'd like to be

    able to do so since installing and uninstalling the other few items

    is so easy. I've taken the knob apart several times but can find no

    way to make it extend any further. It dosen't like much but I fear

    damaging the body if I try to force it much. Any suggestions? I did

    a Google and nothing I found deals with this issue. It's not a

    matter of importance but I would like to know how to make it work

    correctly. Kinda an obsession.

  3. I ordered a bag from them several weeks ago and was promptly

    notified that it was not available. I offered to let them keep my

    order on record but they have some very stringent rules reguarding

    the way they handle their credit card orders and preferred that I

    replace the order later. They notified me last Saturday of the bag's

    availability. I placed the order that day and had my bag yesterday

    before noon by USPS $7.00 service and I'm in Arkansas, quite a ways

    from New England. Not only is the bag a quality product, but Seth

    seemed to go way above and beyond to treat me as a special customer.

    Such deserves more recognition than I can accord.

  4. Shooting with an M3 I use a Sekonic meter, batteryless. When I meter

    the same subject with my M6, it always allows a longer exposure than

    the Sekonic. Eg. yesterday, shooting toward sunrise but with sun

    still well below tree tops, Sekonic allowed f11/250, M6 centered

    between f4 and 5.6 with same shutter speed. There is consistently a

    fairly notable variation from my metered M and the Sekonic or the

    Luna Pro that I also use. Does this occur due to the variation in

    metered area? My color prints usually turn out o.k. (exposure

    latitude?) from either, though I like the results from the M3 better

    because I prefer under exposure, I guess. At any rate, it causes me

    to question the importance of much ado about metering. Are Your

    experiences similar?

  5. Linda,

    I too wondered what happened to the 3v lithiums. Back in the '80s they were quite common. After getting my M7 I began to look for back ups and could not find them locally. I feared to try the MS76 route but am eager to here other's opinions. I tried four Wal-marts in various parts of Arkansas before buying a life time supply from B-H.

  6. Ed,

    "Flood" appears fully spelled on the chrome ring around the filter. As I said, it appears similar to a polarizing filter but no rotation. I wonder if it might produce a sepia effect but I can see no logical connection. It makes more sense that it would refer to studio floods or the like. The other 4 filters in the set seem to correspond to the old Kodak designations.



  7. Art,

    That may be it. I failed to say that it has the color shade about like most polarizers. There is a light blue among the other filters.

    I've seem the term "flood filter" in digital discussions, but I know nothing about their application. If it warms up, I'm going to shoot this weekend. Maybe I'll be able to see its effect next week. Thanks for the interest. Robert

  8. Ian,

    I got my manual at Ritz 800-956-9132. Craig Camera 860-496-9791 will probably have it also. DAG Leica sells a plastic rf/vf frame that would have saved me a pair of glasses had I known soon enough.congrats.

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