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Image Comments posted by adrian_bratt

  1. Smashing photo John!


    Interesting point about the composition as well. Yes, the horizon

    isn't quite in the centre, but it's close enough to ruin many images

    without the compositional strength of this one. Mostly, of course, central horizons are to be avoided because the image starts to look like two unconnected similar sized rectangles rather than a single one divided into two. Here though - the very strong verticals hold the composition together, particularly by the contrasting of horizontals and verticals against each other. Compositionally it hangs together

    very well as a result.


    Cover the two big posts with your fingers and instantly the image

    falls into two sections. The distant posts just aren't strong

    enough to hold it all together, and are overwhelmed by the strength

    of the horizontals.


    Anyway enough of this academic stuff. A good image and a POW

    well deserved.


    Best regards,



  2. Nice image. Out of interest, cover the litte Jesus

    with your finger. The image now works a lot

    better for me. The yellows and browns of the wood complement each other very nicely and the pale slab of stone becomes the point of interest. The texture of the wood is much more obvious then.

    The texture of the wood is very good.


    I can see why you were drawn to the little statue

    but it is just too dominant for the image. I can't see anything but the white of the figure.


    Best regards,



  3. Nice image, especially given the equipment

    used. I love the light, the trees in the centre left have caught it beautifully.


    Maybe it's just me, but the composition feels like the darker right of the picture is unbalanced by the two bright trees on the left. It almost feels as if the picture might slide to

    the right given chance.


    Pretty good though.



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