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Posts posted by tatiana_reis

  1. Yes, I am talking about the autofocus on N90s. The 35-105 lens squeaks a bit manually but on the N90s, the noise is loud. I had doubts because when I bought the camera, the guy told me the squeak was strange (we tried different lenses on the same body) and this is the reason why I took the repair shop to begin with. The guy on the shop, though, told me there is no problem with the camera and, if I am to shoot with lenses that range in focal lenght, the squeak in inevitable. And, yes, I have fresh batteries installed. Are N90s loud when autofocusing, in general? Thanks for the responses.
  2. I am an amateur photographer and would like advice about the N90s. I

    have a Nikon N65 and am starting to get tired of it and willing to

    upgrade. With this in mind and not that much money in my pocket, I

    bought a used N90s. The difference is evident at the first touch. My

    question, though, is that when I try to shoot with a 35-105mm lens,

    it squeaks quite loud. The problem seems to be the lens because when

    I try to shoot with a 20 mm, there is no squeak. The guy in the

    repair shop tells me there is nothing wrong. Is this correct? Should

    I keep the used N90s although is currently discontinued by Nikon? Or

    should I wait a bit and, then, upgrade to F100? I appreciate any

    help. Thanks,

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