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Image Comments posted by chris_van_der_grift

    High Cross


    With this one I tried to turn it into a moody picture. Used a

    polarizer to create a dark sky so the high cross would stand out more.

    What do you think? Too 'gray'? Too 'perceived'? Anything else you'd

    have preferred differently? Thanks for all your critiques!

  1. Honest critiques more than welcome. I'm very willing to learn and

    want to know from anyone if the picture 'works' or doesn't work. In

    this case, does the strange angle get your attention, or is it

    distracting you? Thanks!

  2. Before taking the picture I was playing with some of the settings of

    the Powershot G2. Although I normally like my pictures to be sharp, I

    set the setting to soft to see what would work. Any other critiques or

    suggestions about this photo (or any of my other ones) are more than

    welcome as well, of course.

    The roof


    I've been looking at my own pictures so often that I can't be

    objective anymore. Some I've grown to dislike, some I simply cannot

    dislike or even find things wrong with. So I'd love to get some

    honest critiques...


    The blue sky is great. I like the movement of the mills as well. Only thing that doesn't work for me is the blurring of the road and the rest of the picture. At least something should not be on the 'move', I think.
  3. The aperture I used wasn't that small, actually... only 4.0, exposure was 1/50. That seems a bit weird, but I actually had two filters on the G2 for this shot, a circular polarizer and a red filter. Luckily the G2 has quite a wide angle, so you can achieve a decent dof with a relatively large aperture.

    Night Street


    Personally I was bummed out by the sign on the right hand site of the

    picture, but unfortunately I could not go back to redo the shot. Any

    comments anyone?

  4. I think I would prefer this picture without the little toy thingy. Maybe there's a specific reason you've put it there, but I personally think it kind of ruins the great atmosphere you've created with the colours and the composition of this otherwise very nice picture
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