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Image Comments posted by treyhoff

  1. Hi Frode,

    You have a nice portfolio.  I think you made a worthy attempt at the leaf buds, but they get lost in all the blurred background and the sun spot.  I think the photo would work really well once the bud starts budding with some ice on it..  Also, a macro would be great like some of you other shots.  Maybe a macro of just one of the buds.  Thanks.




    Nice!  The lighting on the rock makes it a successful photo along with the ice and colors.  Nice composition.  Other than the slightly out of focus foreground, it's a wonderful photo.

  2. Hi Leonid,

    I'm having some difficulty figuring out the intent of this photo.  I don't want to sound harsh, but it looks like a snapshot of a puddle....there's no captivating element that pulls me in.  Generally a photo will have a certain subject that is captured with interesting surroundings and foreground element taken in early morning or late afternoon light.  I'm sure this park has a lot of photographic potential, especially in the fall.  Try to find a unique element and work with it in a way that grabs and holds the viewers attention.  

    Your portfolio has some nice shots.  Do you post process you photos?  I think many of them could be improved with a bit of post processing and increasing the saturation of the colors.

    Hope that helps in some way.... 

  3. The building is a great subject to photograph and is especially captured well with the white snow.  Good composition and the square format works.  The small trees on the left bother me somewhat though.....maybe you could tighten up the square crop by taking them out and reducing the sky.   I wonder what other compositions you took....are there others? If, so post them up.   The tree in the middle is a bit distracting...maybe if you moved more to the right to place the tree on the left side of the building.  I think too the photo could be improved with some element of foreground, yet maybe it's not necessary.  Overall, I like the photo and it has some great potential!  Good work.  Thanks.



    I really like the way you composed the pier and rope with the bridge leading the viewers eye to the sunset.  The dark stormy sky and dark scene give the photo a  mysterious feeling that's captivating.  Nice Work.



    The captivating thing about this photo is the composition.  It's a nice monochromatic photo, but I wonder how a bit of light would enhance it.  Well done.

    Morning Wave


    The color tone is really outstanding.  The light, texture, exposure and clouds all make this an excellent photo.  The only inconsequential and subjective critique is that I would prefer the photo composed a bit more to the right, placing the foreground rock more to the left.  (but only the photographer knows how that would have been and I'm sure you were looking at all the possibilities.)  I love the photo (7)

    Fire and Water


    This is really an incredible shot with the golden morning glow scattered on the water.  The image appears black and white with the strong glow.  The clouds add more excitement and the tree top hill adds more content.  Very good composition.  There are so many lines, it really holds my interest.  Well Done. (7)

  4. Wonderful image and great capture with the rising fog/clouds.  The light on the snow capped mountains is very nice.  I debated whether the inclusion of the flag  makes or breaks the photo, but after looking at the photo I think the flag gives the scene a sense of place.  The deep dark red goes well with the dark blue sky.  Nice job.

  5. Hello,

    The mountain range is certainly spectacular, but the trees in the foreground detract from the mountain glory.  I think it would be best to isolate the mountains and not include the trees or the flag line.  A photograph should try to make a statement about the subject and the inclusion of the trees and flags confuse me.  The trees could be part of the photo, but need to compliment the mountains, not compete with them.  The flags could make a great subject themselves, but they are kind lost here in this photo. There seems to be some good light on the mountains and the snow makes them really stand out. Maybe you could get a shot beyond the trees of just the mountains with some great morning or evening light.   Hope that helps :)



    Great timing on shooting this.  The cool color of the frost is a nice contrast to the warm light of the aspens. Nicely composed with the reflection.



    Many photographers would walk by a scene like this not realizing what a wonderful photo it could make.  It takes a good eye to know what to capture.  Nicely done.

  6. WOW!  This is a spectacular shot.  I love the color and especially the perfect reflection in the calm water.  The interested thing about this photo is the way the clouds, the reflection and the foreground rocks lead the viewers eye to the mountainous centerpiece.  This deserves high marks.  Well done!

  7. I hadn't commented on the first photo, but I do like what you've done here better.   In addition, the shot is nicely composed with the wonderful scene you selected.  This looks like a long exposure to soften the water? The color and tone of the water is very nice.

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