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Image Comments posted by ls

  1. Since I know that this was once a photograph and not a drawing I look at this as something surreal, at the same time the subject itself is not very contemplative. If this was mine, I would probably attach more mood to it by adding figures such as people or animals, it would then remind me of american regionalism. The composition and colors work very well.
  2. This is a perfect shot for observation; there are a thousand stories that could uncover from looking at this. I actually feel like I am watching a movie because my focus jumps from one object to another resulting in 'static' motion effect created by my eyes. The colors are good, except that light red/pink on the left second floor window does not fit with the rest of the colors, you should try burning it. I also think everything should be just a little sharper. The light and shadows are perfect and you did a great job capturing this scene. You should also try cropping everything after the sixth window (the one with the light red shades) to get rid of the pole, even though it creates a balance with the fire hydrant, it seems unnecessary, unless you really care about how the woman's shadow interacts with the entrance to the building. You might consider using a black border since the top windows fall out of the frame. Overall, I enjoyed this very interesting photograph, congratulations.

    hands body 1

    Very original. I am not sure if this symmetry works that well though, I would try cropping 1/4th of the image from the either side. Next time you should try this technique using different exposures from both sides of the model so that it could look more natural. Other than that, this is a great addition to a great portfolio. Thank you for sharing.
  3. There seems to be too much light on the little one's face and on the bigger one's hands. The composition is nice, but I would like to see this photo from a different angle, maybe with a full view of these characters. It seems a little too posed, but i am not sure if it's a bad thing in this case. Thanks for sharing.



    I think this photo has potentional, but the composition is not that great due to the lack of cropping and the colors are very distracting as well...with a little bit of photoshop work, you could fix it in less than ten minutes...i didn't do a good job but here's an example of what ps can do (if you feel offended by my alternation of your photograph, i will remove it):



    I think this photograph would have been better without the ducks, since they are not detailed enough to be a portrait, instead them being in the middle creates a distraction.
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