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ken lai

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Posts posted by ken lai

  1. I am trying to find an angle finder for the SWC. I know Cosina made

    one few years ago but it is very difficult to find it now. Does

    anyone else make an angle finder for SWC? Or would anyone know where

    I can find the Cosina finder?


    Thanks for your help.


  2. Yes I do have the 15mm and 19mm and also a good number of R lenses

    already and I would like to venture into the digital world. Unfortunately Leica

    does not come up with any digital body yet and so I am thinking of the Canon

    D60. However if my 2 favorite lenses do not fit then there is no point in buying

    the D60 and I don't really feel like buying another collection of Canon lenses

    for the digital body, well not yet anyway.


    Hence if anyone has any experience using the 15mm and 19mm with the

    D60, pls let me know. Thanks.




    BTW the 15mm super elmar is quite 'cheap' now compared to the elmarit and

    it sure is a fantastic lens.

  3. Hi Gregory,


    I read on http://nemeng.com/leica/002f.shtml that the 19mm Elmarit new

    version can be used on the D60 -




    In November 2002, "Howard Cummer" <cummer@ netvigator.com>, sent me

    the following detailed note confirming this:


    [i�] tried my R lenses (all ROM) and can report that the 50mm Summilux R

    (newest version) and the 19mm Elmarit R (Latest version) will work on the

    Canon D60 without fouling the quick return mirror.


    The 19mm Elmarit rear element cowling does fit tight against the mirror box

    and leaves a mark. Focusing of the rear lens elements takes place within that

    cowling and does not extend the rear elements to the edge of the cowling

    when the Elmarit is focused at infinity so the rear elements also clear the

    mirror. I am very pleased with this discovery but admit that there was some

    anxiety when, after each lens was mounted, I pushed the shutter button for the

    first time and waited to see if the mirror was going to return in one piece!




    However according to the person posting the report, the lens does leave a

    mark somewhere inside the D60 so I am a bit hesistant to try that!




  4. Hi Joe,


    I use both R and M lenses. Frankly I prefer the the R lenses rather than the current generation of M lenses since they are IMO too harsh. R lenses such as the 19mm Elmarit, 80mm summilux, 180mm Summicron APO are all superb lenses which IMO are not as harsh or 'sharp' compared to the M lenses such as the 24mm Elmarit or 90mm Summicron AA but produces photos that are definitely more 'pleasing' than the M lenses.


    However if sharpness is all you care for, perhaps the Hasselblad CFE180mm f4.0 or CFI100mm f3.5 or the SWC 38mm Biogon would please you.


    And if the Hasselblad is still not 'sharp' enough for you, you will just have to go to large format cameras.



  5. Sorry, my head is not working probably.


    I actually meant sharpness for landscape (at smaller apertures) is most

    important but the FE110 does give me the added advantage of being able to

    work in low light situation hence that gives me a reason to consider the FE110

    in addition to the CFI100. Hence I should ask how does the FE110 compare

    to the CFI100 at aperture of 5.6 or higher.



  6. Dear All,


    I currently have the CFE80 and while it is a great lens, I think it is a bit soft and

    not sharp enough for landscape work. I am now thinking of getting the CFI100

    to replace the CFE80, however I am also considering the FE110 for the larger

    max aperture of 2.0 for low light work. My concern is, would the FE110 be

    sharp enough for landscape work, especially at aperture of 2 and 2.8? Does

    anyone have any landscape (or whatever) photos taken with the FE110 that

    they can post? Currently I also use the CFI180 a lot for landscape work and

    would like to have something similar in sharpness but wider.


    Thanks in advance for all your replies.


  7. A friend of mine bought an SWC 905 recently and he said that the shutter

    release, when pressed, is soft initially but it turns quite hard and difficult to

    press just before you fire the shutter. Hence he said that it is quite difficult to

    use the camera, hand held, at 1/30 or even 1/60 sec. Is this true of all SWC

    905/903 or does he have a 'special' one? I am thinking of buying an SWC but

    half the time, I will be using the camera hand held and probably at speed as

    slow as 1/30 or even 1/15 so this is a main concern for me.


    With the 503, I have no such problem and occasionally I shoot with the 80mm

    handheld at 1/15 sec and still get decent sharp pictures. Should I buy the

    40mm instead if I do mostly handheld shots.


    Thanks for your help.


  8. Thanks guys for all your replies. I have both R and M cameras but no Viso

    stuff yet so I have no idea how that works. If I want to mount the 65 on the R,

    what do I need? Al mentioned I need an auto diaphragm 90. What is that? I

    search in ebay but didn't come up with anything. On the other hand, for viso,

    what do I need, apart from the Viso? I assume I only need the 65 lens head

    with 16464.


    Now back to the lenses. I would prefer not-hash, lower contrast lenses (in my

    opinion, the 35 summicron asph or the 180 elmarit apo are usually too hash

    and contrasty for stuff I do). My favorite lenses are the 80 summilux, 75

    summilux and summarit and actually the other lens I am thinking of buying is

    the 35 summilux pre-asph. I assume both the 60mm and 65mm are sort of in

    the same league as the 80 and 75 summilux? Now given that I prefer not-

    hash, lower contrast lenses, which one would you recommend?


    Once again thanks very much for all your help.

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