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Image Comments posted by sean_jenkins


    i love your work....this one caught my eye straight off the bat....i love the contrast of the little drip in juxtaposition of the bigger pool....very nice....

    I love Me

    art is partcially a narcististic field....HOWEVER...there are just some things that need to be left unsaid....i love me is one of those things....


    incredible....i love art that provokes thought and more importantly emotion...this piece does that....email me...i'd like to talk to you about your work and where you see it!
  1. i like the idea...alot...i think you should maybe instead of hand painting the lines, reshoot an image of the same graffiti, project it onto the model and then match up the two in photoshop...in my experience it comes out really nice and you will have a perfect integration between the two....
  2. its strange, i love the right side of this photo...but for some reason the left side just isnt as successful for me....maybe if you faded down the left side so it gradually went into this blast of color...for me i think that might work alittle better

    Going nuts

    i appreciate what your trying to do....so i give you credit for trying something....now....keeping that in mind i think you need to tone it down a touch....i feel like you put "all your tricks in one basket"....theres alot of filters used here and honestly you should let the art speak for itself...and trust me it is a strong image and i firmly believe it could be better going on the "less is more" idea...


    personally i think vingette is over rated....HOWEVER....i do enjoy the actual image....i like the details in the leaves and also in the the thorns....my suggestion...crop the purple vingette...get it matted and framed...and incorporate those colors (the deep purples and blues) into the framing of it!
  3. personally i think this image would be alittle more successful if you made both images the same color scheme...obviously the one on the left is a grayscale image where the image on the left seems to be cyanotype...i would gray them both or bring the cyan into the left image...i like the idea though....
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