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Image Comments posted by al_rivera

    High Flying Baseball!

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. Yeah, the DOF could have made this nicer. I guess I was fortunate enough to get my camera aimed just right, as I aimed through the fence hole. Thanks again for your comments!

    High Flying Baseball!


    The Catcher was a little late on this play. I wish the runners head

    was up. Would have been nice to have caught his facial expression.

    Your comments and feedback welcome. Thansk, Al

  1. Jayme, Sam, Thanks for your comments.


    Jayme, I think you are right. My monitor does not reveal a high pink skin tone as you see on your monitor. I have viewed this image on other Monitors and have a similar experience as you had. Thanks Again!

    Head to Head!


    Thanks to all of you for your feedback. I realize many of my shots are not original. Your feedback on enhancing the quality of the image as well as presenting it is appreciated!


    Here is the orignal Photo. I cropped it to the size I presented becasue I missed the end of the horses tail. I thought by cropping it to the size I did would salvage the image.

  2. Greg,

    I Browsed through your Day at the races folder and enjoyed your shots. I've taken several while at the races and I must admit that many of the ones I take end up being deleted. Nice shots!


    If you're interested, I have a few in my folder from Del Mar and Fairplex.


  3. I've seen many photo's of sunsets. However, this photo is appealing to me. It seems to capture a mood and I like the colors. Nice shot.


    By the way, I enjoyed many of your pictures in your folders.



  4. Pete,


    I have taken some recent shots at the horse races and found it difficult to get clear crisp shots. I quickly had to learn how to pan to capture the fast moving horses. Nice Shot! So, did you have the #3 Horse?

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