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Image Comments posted by seanna_mcclairen


    Eyes that beg you to come home to him. I f the eyes are the window to the soul ................ Perfect skin tones, incredable shadows. Left me breathless.
  1. Thank You so much Joseph.

    This is my Best Friend and his son. Shot this from about 20 feet away in my upstairs window. I just love his huge hand on his sons back , and Jared clinging to him for reassurence.

    I had just started taking photographs. I still know absolutly nothing - I shoot what I see. I can't figure out an F-stop from a bug! but i have started using better film. what would you suggest for the cropping?

  2. Artistic. Yes. Beautiful. Yes. Think of me as the *^%$#@* goddess of opinion.

    Emil. If I had way more time........EVERY SINGLE (including this) WOULD RATE 7'S ACROSS THE BOARD! Your work is incredible.

    Since I am so new at photography I really do not know very much about special lighting etc... Would you mind explaining how you paint with light ? the effect is so beautiful. And what is at Kripton blub? Sorry about the poor spelling. I am more than a touch dyslecsic.

    Anyhow. PLEASE keep sharing your beautiful work.

    Thank you.

  3. Welcome to my brain. LOL ;) What a kick in the pants! I love her!!!!! You found a Fury. (Look her and her sisters up in your mythology text -) Paint. That was genuis. I like the black space but i am curious of how she would look if we could see just a tight shot of her. More of a furrow to the brow. The thumb in front of her works....to me at least it makes sense. Any how thank you for sharing your vision. I really like it.
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