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Image Comments posted by bill_staples



    I found an old abandoned saw mill yesterday and experimeneted with

    long shutter speeds and many different compositions of the inside of

    the mill, but this simple photo of an old work bench and broken

    bottle (milk bottle?) left untouched, lit by the window to the left,

    is my favorite. critiques / ratings welcome.

    False Arch


    Another photo from this weekend at Lower Antelope Canyon. The

    light, texture, lines and curves all make for a wonderful place to

    study composition. I know they have been photographed many times,

    regardless, here is my perspective.

    Sandstone Wave


    Taken this last weekend in Lower Antelope Canyon - my first trip to

    this location. I know the area has been well photographed, but

    there is nothing like seeing it in person, and offering a unique

    perspective. Enjoy -

    First Day of Autumn

    Regina! I go away for a while and look what I come back to - one of your finest! This is a wonderful photo. The coloring so warm, like the end of summer, the sun so low, like the end of a season, the harvest complete, the multi-layer composition, the details in the tree and field... all combined to make a wonderful photo. Great job! Keep it up! Bill
  1. This rates as one of my favorites this week, I've seen others of this type, but the color and composition of this one is very striking. thanks for inspiring me to try it out sometime (hopefully soon!)




    in-freaking-credible! So much to say on how great this photo is...one of the best I've seen of the genre. the rule of thirds, the timing, the exposure... near perfect execution. Two small criticisms...to me it appears a bit over-sharpened?, at least in this JPG... the other thing to notice is the dude seems to have an awful sunburn, or the red tint is tad high. Still this is an AWESOME photo, thanks for sharing.
  2. So glad you all enjoyed it! I find the range of ratings on this photo interesting...clearly it is not a style for everyone. Thanks to those that have or will leave feedback! The words, not the scores, are the things that keep bringing me back.


    Why the unusually low scores? I rarely see 1s and 2s given out, yet this photo has several. Have people gone mad? Whatever the equipment used, as if that should affect the score in the least!!!, this is a fine photo!
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