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Image Comments posted by cspoels


    cute. nice composition. good detail. strange color scheme, but I like it. The flash shadow between the ankles is a bit distracting.


    I love this shot. The light seems almost magical, both the misty forest and the well lit subject. It's like I'm looking into an alternate reality. Great job.

    The shadow

    This photo is very striking because of the composition, it has so much energy and interest. From the minute detail of the foreground to the muted tones of the background, it's a beautiful shot. I like the way you caught the sun on the wet sand, and yet the background figure seems to be beneath a bank of cloud. Excellent work. I'd say the dots might be distracting, but there seems to be something rough about that part of the photo, as if it were aged or worn, that seems appropriate to the piece as a whole.
  1. Thanks for the comment mark. I appreciate what you have to say because it is so markedly different from the many (mainly technical)comments I have seen and made myself on photo.net. I love the vision you show in your comment. You've definitely shown me a deeper look at my own photograph. It's strange and wonderful how someone else can articulate what we ourselves barely knew we were trying to capture, but inwardly felt when we decided to pursue an image. I can't wait to see and say something about your photographs online.


    I really like this photo, the depth of field focused on the hands and cigarette. Strong composition, excellent mood, very interesting. The hand is a bit overexposed, you might try burning it in using photoshop.
  2. The Color looks beatiful on my monitor, as does the photo. I really like the strong contrast both in color and texture between the smoothe blue water reflecting sky in the foreground, the rough brown rock formations in the middle ground , and the more subdued purples of the distant mountains. Beautiful. I might be tempted with this picture to bring more depth of blue out of the very top section of the sky, with burning in, for yet another element of mirror like symmetry. Just a thought.


    I really like this one too. The focus on the child, the adults surrounding her world, their hands directing, pointing: peripheral but somehow unimportant in her fascination with the objects before her. I like the complex interaction between the child's focus on the pure object, and the natural adult fixation on cost and economics as well. Her hand on the object, pulling it to her face, says one thing, her 'parent's' hand says something very different. I love the way the coats and heavy fabric of the adults, as well as her own hat and jacket, frame her small face and hand. One question, the white paper and boxes in the foreground are glowing hot white on my screen. Is this intentional, to draw attention to them? Or is it just a place where the negative is overexposed? Might try burning in. I love the image though. Great work.


    I've seen many close up portraits that I like, but this one captures the thoughtfulness of your son very beautifully. It's an inner world picture.
  3. I like the way you captured the moment of his enthusiasm, and still were able to compose a wonderful photo. He stands out nicely, foregrounded against the mass of children in the background. The gesture is perfect and you captured it beautifully. A high quality shot.
  4. This photo, along with the one of the little boy from St. Lucia, is one of the strongest I've seen of yours. The composition-the turn of her face coupled with the way her body recedes into the bottom of the frame- is eloquent to say the least. Her expression, full of trust and mischief, tells me that you have a way of making your subjects feel comfortable with themselves. of course the colors really make the photo stand out. Great Work.
  5. Icy Creek: I was looking through your portfolio and this one caught my eye. I love the contrast between the stillness of ice and rock and the frenetic flow of the water. I disagree with the previous comment, I don't think it's claustrophobic but rather intimate, it captures beautifully something that is often overlooked: that small space of water and stone you always view when crouched beside a stream.
  6. children are so wonderful for there level of involvement in what they are doing. so intense. I'm not fully satisfied with the composition of this one. I realize that the negative space behind the figure is necessary to see the movement of the thrown snow, but I'd almost like to see this from a different angle, more behind perhaps.
  7. this works well with the shallow depth of field, and the repeated patterns of the boat lines, baskets and hats. It would have been too cluttered otherwise. the smoke gives a great focus to the relationship between the figures, a conversational feel. the leg draped between boats is also a very fortunate gesture. (candid I assume) great work.
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