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Posts posted by sal_young

  1. <p>Randy,<br>

    I have been looking into purchasing the GF1 also but with a different goal. You stated that you would like to use it for "<strong>work</strong>", professional photography? If so, I do think the GF1 may be too limited for pro photography. The quality and availability of lenses. The image noise mentioned in many reviews. The shutter delay which I'm sure is not near close to your Nikon.<br>

    I'm looking into this camera as an "all the time" carry around camera. There has been too many times I have missed an opportunity of a good or memorable shot because I did not have a camera with me. I do not know of anybody who carries their (D)SLR at all times. I'm sure it's because portability.<br>

    Take a look at <a href="http://craigmod.com/journal/gf1-fieldtest/">this site for a really good review of the Panasonic GF1</a></p>

  2. I'm interested on purchasing a light meter and I have a limited

    budget. I came accross the Gossen Digisix Ultra Compact Digital &

    Analog incident and reflected lightmeter for $110. I have looked all

    over the web for information on this specific lightmeter but can't

    find anything. I want to take some pictures in a studio but don't

    have a way of meassuring the amount of light.

  3. I would like to know if $399.99 is a reasonable price for a used

    Canon EOS Elan7. The shop that is selling this camera tells me that

    the body is new but missing the box, manuals, and everything else

    that comes in a new package. Basically I'm just buying the body.

    They also tell me that the camera comes with the full manufacturer's



    I actually handled the camera and it looks brand new. I don't

    believe that the camera is just missing everything. I asked if it

    was returned or refurbished and salesperson told me that is was brand

    new. Should I buy this camera? By the way, I'll be upgrading from my

    EOS Rebel 2000 I purchased 6 months ago.

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