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Posts posted by faka_maka

  1. In a couple of months I'm going to shoot a project for a client and

    the prints are going to be huge - about 6 x 4 f. I will definitely

    want to capture all details I can for this job and I feel like I'm in

    trouble - I usually shoot 35mm and digital. Long story short: I

    think about using a med format camera for the project.


    I need something to shoot portraiture and full body sets, wide enough

    for a relatively small studio. Also I know I will most definitely

    want something I can from time to time rent a digital back for. Oh

    one more thing - yes my budget is limited.


    Sounds like trouble ...

    Any suggestions?




    Thank you!



  2. I have a Nikon D100 camera

    Have a trial of Nikon Capture software

    and just got a Power Book G4


    Interested in not only downloading images of my camera (it's easy), but also capture

    images using the Nikon Capture software already running on my MAC. Usually it requires

    connecting the Laptop and the Camera using the "VIDEO OUT" port on the camera and to a

    "video IN" port on a PC.


    There is no "Video IN" in my Power Book.

    What are my options?


    I'm not aware of any VIDEO to USB cables..

    Are you?

  3. I'm new on photo.net and posted just a few pictures but had noticed something very interesting. The lowest ratings I have I got from people without any record of taking a single picture.


    For example


    Baily Seals - 0 uploaded public photos, has rated 16855 photos on this site, with average ratings of 4.38 for originality and 4.64 for aesthetics. Great ratings Baily, but hello, do you know what are you talking about or you just know how to use your mouse?


    Jack Roberts has rated 1046 photos on this site, with average ratings of 3.83 for originality and 3.85 for aesthetics. Jack has 0 pictures in his profile. Jack, thank you for rating my work, I'm sure you have lots of to share, can I see something?


    Sandra Dhee - has rated 227 photos on this site, with average ratings of 4.43 for originality and 4.59 for aesthetics. Hello Sandra can I see a picture of yours?


    I understand the human nature and I'm sure there are more people like that but I'm curios why this problem is not fixed by photo.net � it is so simple to avoid. Is there any kind of a link from photo.net to these individuals?


    Just curios.

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