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Posts posted by adam_maas

  1. Note that the AF-S 24-85 is a totally different lens than the faster 24-85 2.8-4D (There isn't a fixed aperture 24-85 from Nikon). The AF-S is an f3.5-4.5G, so no aperture ring. Question becomes do you want fast AF or big aperture.
  2. I would not recommend the N55. You can get the N65 for very little more, and get a much better AF unit(Same unit as N80, 5 sensor Multi-CAM900), compatibility with all AF Nikkor lenses (N55 cannot use AF-S or VR lenses), a much more capable flash system (Matrix balanced flash with external, as well as rear curtain sync), faster motor drive (Although still only usable in Sports Program) and the available AA batterypack/grip. The N55 is really a P&S with an F-Mount, the N65 more of entry-level SLR. You will find the N65 capable enough to be used as a backup body when you inevitably upgrade to a better body, while the N55 has just too many caveats for that.
  3. Got an EM with the 50 f1.8E back in 1993 when I was 16, it was the only SLR I could afford at the time. Then I was gifted with an F801s and 35-70 zoom a year later by a relative who couldn't use anything more complicated than a P&S and had too mcuh money. I used those untl selling my gear to pay rent in college, in 1996. So when I decided it was time to get back into photography I looked initially at Nikon, but I pretty much decided to go Minolta due to the bigger feature set of the Maxxum 5. SO I went to buy a Maxxum 5 and picked it up and it felt cheap, so I tried the Rebel 2000, it felt cheap, so I picked up the F65 and fell in love with Nikon again.


    Frankly, I should have bought the F80 and damn the costs, but I've got the F65 now, and will keep it for a while, until I can afford a used F4 of some sort.


    What's special about Nikon? The feel and the optics. They just feel better, and you can't beat the quality of a good Nikkor. Sure Canon & Minolta have nifty features Nikon doesn't and IS/VR on mid-range lenses would be nice, but I can walk into any camera store and pick up a non-G Nikkor and be sure I'm getting at least a good lens, and probably the best lens in a given category.

  4. Vivitar 283 is a definite NO on the F65, unless you want to kill it, teh F-65's shoe is not ISO compatible, the voltages are wrong and use of an ISO flash may fry the F65's circuitry. Use only a Nikon Speedlight, or a Speedlight compatible flash. I'd recommend the SB-50DX on the F65, but the SB-25 will work fine in all modes.
  5. The D lens is optically identical to the non-D version, it adds support for the 3D Matrix Metering your F65 is capable of, as well as 3D Matrix Flash(Which is the big win). If you shoot flash, go with the D, if you don't use much flash, go with the D if it's not too much more.


    Personally I'm going to be picking up the 50f1.8D soon, I was waiting for it to be released before picking up the 50mm prime for my F65.

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