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Image Comments posted by colin_y

  1. In Lannie's attachment, the darkest areas are lightened. I would say that only

    the mid-tones could be lightened. I like the contrast on my version, but the

    mids could be adjusted up.


    I have found that when I post photos, the density always increases a lot once

    it gets to PhotoNet. I try to compensate, but it's a bit of a guess really. Different

    monitors - different densities. I can only get a good idea once I see it amongst

    other photo postings.

  2. Lannie, I would say that your version may be better. It has been many months

    since I have seen the thing borderless. And I am now realizing it may be more

    'honest' looking without my fancy treatment. And the reduced contrast and

    density that you applied 'lightens' it a bit also. Both of your changes, for me,

    makes a better image. Simpler and 'brighter'. Thanks.

  3. The attached is the original from the camera file. Thank

    goodness for that blue channel. I had taken a peek at the

    channels before I deleted the file, just in case.



  4. The photo started out as a full colour Red Green Blue image. I threw away the

    Red and Green channels. I was left with one channel (blue). At this point I had

    a monchrome image (makes sense). The result was very dark. Darker than

    usual because the lighting was warmed by off-white walls (bounce flash) and

    a big dose of tungsten. I was standing lower on my basement stairs, so I had

    that bright bare bulb in the ceiling.


    On some of my other shots in my folder, I took the blue channel and layered it

    above the original colour file. I used blend mode>color to allow the original

    colour to be reintroduced to the 'dramatic' blue channel. Hozin' Pozin' and

    'Young Grey Eyes' are two examples.



  5. I hope this isn't bad luck to jump in so early in the week. It seems as though

    Wednesdays are kinda popular entry time by POW recipients. It's not to hot

    here yet, so I'm feeling brave.


    The comments so far concerning my sons expression have all been accurate

    (?). Explanation; I was shooting for too long when the subject stormed off. I

    had my camera and flash pointing in the correct directions with nothing to

    photograph. Just an apron hanging on the wall (I carefully and skillfully

    removed it from the result in the digital darkroom - sounds better than PS'd it

    out). I rather sternly requested him in person. He stomped back, plunked

    down, skrunched up, and made himself as unappealing as possible, held his

    pose for about two seconds and stormed off again. Never to return. Sigh.


    Well, I got an interesting expression from him. I had the lighting somewhat

    figured out, and he provided the headroom by ducking out of the shot.


    Photo tip. I used the Blue-channel from the file, and applied some selective

    'burning and 'dodging'. The Blue-channel often reveals a very dramatic view.

    Ultra-dramatic on aged faces.



  6. I like this photo too. The vertcals converging into delicate, fibrous stalagmites. It looks sorta like a chunk of some fuzzy rock in a chemistry set. Asbestos?

    Anyway, it's cool to me. The light on upmost spire and the large blown-out area detract just slightly. hmmm, maybe the light bulb only.


    Just think of the billions of small pets that meet their greater reward. How better to send them off, so well protected. You may see "Ziploc Sandwich Bags" become "Ziploc Burial Bags". They could have last sentiments, pet names, or graphics printed on them. They could also come in many opacities depending upon...you know...how the pet...like, if a neighbours cat was involved. Ziplocs stocks may soon soar!
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