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heine christiansen

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Image Comments posted by heine christiansen

    F3 vs. 3F


    taken as press material for FUNCHs ep "someplaceelsewhere".. i could

    view it in many ways, but for the most i have, roughly said, X vs. Y

    in mind. would be nice and interesting to hear, what you gain of it?

    let your phantasies fly ;)


    kind regards



    have i used a too long shutter speed in your opinion? what are your

    thoughts about the shutter in general? to me it is as important as

    the aperature..


    kind regards,


  1. thomas mau exposed the film one time, send it to me, so i could

    expose it aswell. nothing discussed, only that the theme had to be

    abstract. i like that the frames "don`t match", but what do you think

    of it, disturbing?

  2. thanx for your comments.

    i took a lot of her portraits that day, some with and some without flash. by this particular photograph i wanted to make the lightning extreme and illuminating her more would flattening the view and somehow make the idea of shooting against the lightsource irrelevant. to me she is visible enough, but i´m aware of the fact that this kind of pic can cause some viewing problems on a monitor - all depending on personal settings and whether you sit looking at it in a dark room or not etc..


    cheers ;)



    To me a horizon does not necessary have to be straight. an oblique

    horizon can add dynamics to a shot, i think, but how does this one

    work on you?

  3. hi kelly,

    thanx for your comment. i just don`t know how to read it ;-) ...seems a little bit on the negative side? about the borders, you`re right, imo a black border is the strongest of them all, in this case by the later pics i just felt like color. but you can be sure that you`re gonna see a lot of the black ones again ;-)


    best regards,



    i think if there had been an eye contact, it would have worked much stronger. like this it seems more like a snap shot. with a 17mm you could have made the perspective much more extreme and dynamic. but that`s all just a matter of taste. going closer and with an eye contact would have been my goal. what`d you think? i find the shot interesting, so if you would tell me more about the situation and your thoughts about it, i`d like to hear it - ehh.. read it ;-)


    best regards,

    This way !


    in some way i see your point, balaji. i myself like when a image is clear in it`s expression. i don`t like to much distracting objects either. if this object wouldn`t have been forming an arrow, being one, then this shot would have been for the trash can.


    yes, this image is digitalized. nevertheless i still treat my work as if i were in the dark room. you could ofcourse crop a slide, but it`s not that fun to look at cropped slides. everytime i`d look at my slides projected on the wall, it would irritate me to look at the full size slide, on my computer at the cropped version. in that way i kind of challenge myself getting it right from the beginning...


    every way to express oneself is allowed. i`ve just choosen to do it without the help of programmes like ps. they only help me presenting them as they would have looked like in my portfolio on paper or like my slides projected on the wall.


    best regards ;-)



    marc gave you a lot of answers, i see - you write a better english than i so ... thanx marc :-)


    balaji, you`re right about marc giving this shot a nicer title or meaning ;-) but nevertheless, i still see a woman washing. and in my part of the world they don`t wash like this anymore, therefore not 1984. the year could have been a completely different, i agreee, but that was the year wich first came to my mind. in the end, this title only serves the purpose of telling me wich photography of mine we`re talking about. to me it would more pleasing, if you could see something different - perhaps even a lot of different things. try looking at it upside down, maby it will reveal something new to you. the good thing about these kinds of abstracts is that you can turn them around when you get bored looking at them :-)


    best regards,

    This way !


    i love the trees, they give me so much dynamic. if i`d crop them away there also wouldn`t be the same leading lines in the composition, it would be a completely different shot. besides that, it`s a positive, i don`t crop my positives - if i can`t make the shot the first time, i (mostly) don`t use the shot. only on neg`s i`m "allowed" to do cropping, changing the contrasts etc. i`m a very oldfashioned type of photographer, i don`t use ps and stuff like that to manipulate my work - unless i would be able to do the same kind of work in the dark room. thanx for your thoughts.




    people are all somehow tied together, that was my thought. for me the dof does not have to cover the whole field. one could say, that the family members from long ago are gettin` out of focus ;-) ... i don`t know.


    best regards,


    a symmetry shot was not intended, rather a shot that shows me someone watching - at least that`s my association with it. the asymmetric composition makes it less boring, i think - although i really love these very centered compositions too. besides that, there aren`t any "mistakes" in photography. i leave it with that, because if i start giving examples i never stop, but imho people always talk about, where the focus should lie, how the composition should be etc., that`s not of interest. for me a photography just have to work. if it works for me, i don`t care if it doesn`t live up to the "rules in photography". i`m not trying to be different or special, i can only say, that i take pictures with my heart. thanx for your comment ;-) and kind regards,



    the title doesn´t have to mean anything - i just got a first impression of it when i turned it around a little bit ... and then named it after that. it reminds me of a woman sitting down and washing (her) clothes at a lake (at least you can see her sitting down!). but maby it`s just me. feel free to see everything ;-)




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