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Posts posted by telavivim

  1. <p>Hi all<br /> I bought a used Pentax 67ii in generally good condition, I'm on the 3rd film through it, and I came to realize the shutter trigger has no "half press" travel. <br /> It is quite solid, as you touch it with some pressure, it fires.<br /> No downward movement of the button what so ever.<br /> Is this faulty? is it reparable if so, do you think? <br /> Thanks<br /> Itai</p>
  2. <p>Thank you all for your inputs.<br>

    Well, I just got back from a 2-3 hours walk with the camera, and It has it's plus and minuses.<br>

    On the plus side, looking down at the glass is a. beautiful, and b. really helps with the composition.<br>

    There was a significant percentage of shots that benefited from this perspective.<br>

    The camera is actually quite compact and holdable.<br>

    Working with the magnifying glass flip up-down is a bit annoying though.<br>

    The thing doesn't latch good, and jumps up into my nose from time to time...:-)<br>

    But, and it's a big but for me (:-)), I am more of a snap-shooter, I take pictures in the street/events, and I wanted a medium format to come along with me. I need a faster system actually.<br>

    I think a Mamiya 6 or 7 might fit this need of mine better, the 90 prism is OK, but as Hugo mentioned, I'm afraid it will not be so comfortable to hold like that.<br>

    In any case, I will spend more time with this camera, to get the hang of it better.<br>



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  3. <p>Hi all<br /> I've recently bought myself a 501c, with a waist level viewfinder. (and a 150 CF lens).<br /> Immediately as I loaded a film and set out to catch my first victims,<br /> I was kind of put out by the low vantage point.<br /> The camera is at, well, waist height. Ok, chest height,<br /> and I find it too low for most portraits. <br /> So, I was wondering if I should get a 90 degrees pentaprism.<br /> I wanted to hear your remarks and wisdom first,<br /> as I'm new to this system.<br /> <br /> Thanks!<br /> Itai</p>


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  4. Hi all

    I'm getting a canon 16-35 for my D20,

    and I'll also buy a UV and a polarizer.

    I want the filters to be compatible for a future full-frame camera.

    Will that make it necessary to go for a Slim filter?

    Is there vigenetting from a regular filter at 16mm on a FF body?


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