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Image Comments posted by pawel1


    I really like this shot - the subtle, somewhat muted colors with the directional light work very well. However, I would like a slightly different vantage point - perhaps just a touch higher, so the base of the building is not lost behind the top rail of the fence, and also so the corner of the porch roof on the left is not blocked by the tree.


    Love the concept of this photo... just wish the washington monument was a tad more to the left, i.e. saw some separation from the base of the column of the lincoln memorial... maybe it was impossible? Nice shot, good lighting as well - really works.

    Door #3

    I very much like the composition. It would also be interesting to see this composition with strong directional light so the texture of the old wooden door vs. the stone would come alive.
  1. I very much like the repeating patterns and the symmetry. Given that, I find the image slightly off center, i.e. the symmetry is centered on the horizontal axis but is not on the vertical axis. Perhaps that was deliberate on your part, but I think i would prefer it centered.
  2. Excellent clarity, color, and shadow detail. Nicely done. Only comment - I would probably crop the right edge, to exclude the small portion of building in the upper right - it is a distraction for me.


    Just now read your title, after leaving my first comment. What I saw in the image was the silhouette of a large object, with a nicely lit column in the background - the juxtaposition of the two suggesting "solemn" to me; in all honesty, the chain in front was a distraction. However, given your title (Excluded), it suggests to me that the chain is the central point of the image for you. If that is your intention, I might have lowered the perspective a bit, to get the floor beneath the chain.

    Red Beetle

    I like the abstraction of the VW logo against the shiny red metal. I suspect the reflected shadows were intentionally placed, but I think I would prefer without.


    Love the one nail "standing tall". From above, hard to differentiate nail heights; the beauty of the photo is that the "shadow knows". Well done.
  3. Great idea... however, I think (not sure) I would like it more if it were either more tightly cropped, or shot slightly wider. It is not tight enough yet to be an abstract; nor is it wide enough to put the snow/fence in context. The road (?) in the upper left is a bit of a distraction. Very nice idea, well exposed.
  4. Applaud you for looking for a unique shot of a often(!)photographed NYC icon. Had you thought about tilting even more to make building top parallel with top edge of photo, i.e. take your effect to the max? I agree with the previous comment re: the sky; on a sunnier day, the light would create some interesting texture on the building skin.


    The tight crop, together with the yellow going from lower left to upper right, captures and keeps the viewer's eye. Nicely done.
  5. Barry - I like this version much better than your earlier post. I would also consider cropping out the reflected trees at the top - to me, the essence of the photo are the posts in the water and their reflection. I also find the plank walkway to be a very positive addition to this theme; however, the small amount of tree reflection at the top is a distraction for me.
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