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Posts posted by david_solomon

  1. I agree with J Croeder. I left PN for a while to look at other places to have my work critiqued, I have had less visitors to my site but more comments. Brian you may want to look at what other similar sites are doing and then take the best from them. I too look at who rates my pictures, one of the criteria that I would use would be to select the highest and the lowest and see what they were rating me against. One of the reasons I have remained is hat I found some more comments recently than in the past and have tried to answer as many by commenting. I really don't like to rate images I would rather comment and post a suggestion, I recently discovered that I rated someone low on a picture but never looked at their portfolio which was excellent. So now I look at all who have been listed on my rating and look at their portfolios, I generaly disregard anyone who does'nt post any images because they are not telling me anything. I find myself spending too much time in these sites anyway. But it beats watching television.
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