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Image Comments posted by happyrooboy

  1. What do you people want?!?! Blood!?

    Ater seeing my ratings on this compared to some of the crap that makes it to photo of the week, i will never bother to request another critique or rating for anything nor upload anything else to this site.


    I'll be the first to agree that most my pictures here are mediocre but this one is good and if you are going to say its crap at least have the decency to say whats wrong with it!!!!!!!!!

  2. This is one of my early cyanotypes, produced on a shoe string budget

    with a "digital negative" made with a home laser printer....not quite

    state of the art but i like the rough grainy feel it gives the subject.


    please let me know what you think

    Being Wet

    This is a beautiful picture, the over all feel makes it seem more real than a typical face shot portrait, yet the toning and composition add a flare of mystery as does the fact that the lips hint at emotion while the hidden eyes prevents the viewer from knowing exactly what emotion it is. overal it is a very moving piece.



    thanks, and i completeely agree.....with more practice i can probably do better, its the incompatability between my teleconverter and my t-mount thats givving me the trouble.... although maybe its just my t-mount because with it alone it give a little bit of rotation when focusing....


    does any one else have the problem or has had it and know any remedies besides permenently affixing the t-mount on it?



    its a mirror lens 500mm @ F8(fixed) [T-mount]

    its made by samyang/pheonix

    i bought mine at a local shop but you can get it for a lil cheaper on adorama.com i believe. it cost me 150$ (since it uses mirrors instead of lens elements it is MUCH lighter/smaller and cheaper then the lensed equivalent)


    its a great lens lots of fun but its hard to get used to focusing because its depth of field is only .5 inches.

    and on top of that i ran in to issuse with the compatability of the t-mount and the 2x teleconverter. the lens&t-mount when attached to the converter rotate freely about 5 degrees either way, (this doesnt really pose any problem except trying to focus takes patience!!)


    i hope that helps.

    i personally love the lens and being so affordable i deem it a must to anyone looking for a lens in the 500m range


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