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Image Comments posted by jnatali

  1. The bird is very clear and stark against the backdrop. I might try cropping it a bit, especially the top. Seems like the bird and the water is more of the subject and the leaves add texture but don't need that much.
  2. The depth and tones of those billowing clouds are incredible. I'm curious why you chose f5.6, did that help capture the effect of the clouds? Did you prioritize that effect over detail in the boats? I'm just learning how this all works! I was suprised by the depth of field, I'm guessing that I would've tried a higher #.


    Thanks for sharing!!


    This was my favorite out of the photos you've posted. The perspective, depth of field, contrasts and color are really effective. Really causes me to stop and think...where is this, what's going on here? Reminds me that thru photos we can look thru other people's eyes. I like it.

    In Lumina

    This photo really caught my eye, it's very inviting. I like the tension of symmetry in the facing benches. The light and shadow are intriguing. The brown tones are really beautiful and fitting. The yellow lines/borders on the window are somewhat distracting though.
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