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Image Comments posted by benstraw

  1. I agree, that for this site your largest should be slightly smaller, and i use large resolution.


    What a great shot, cool depth of field, but I wish the people weren't growing out of his shell, I imagine a tortoise like this moves slowly so wait for the hasty humans to move...


    Nonetheless this is a wonderful tortoise expression and photograph.

    red door


    I love this shot too, great color, perfect contrast, interesting subject to my eye. I agree with one of the above comment's about the floor,and I would add the wall to the right. crop the photo a bit more so the lower right corner of the door step is the bottom.


    great shot!


    (btw... where does that door lead!?!)

  2. Amazing feedback on this image, i read through them all and I think I learned a lot.I've been working on my own available light photoraphy and this was inspirational.


    I find the spot above the hand a bit distracting, and I do agree w/ the grey on the wall posting... but most small format black & white goes into that group... what a great expression. the subject seems completely comfortable and either unaware of the shooter or unwary.


    great shot!

    Arthur I

    this is a neat shot, but i think it would benefit from being a bit closer or the left eye (crop the right eye altogether) or a bit farther back. so more of the facial expression is revealed.
  3. I took this one morning when i was really sleepy, around 5am. I was

    either using a disposable or sub $30 aps camera, but after getting

    the pics back I realized it may be an ideal composition w/ the swoop

    of the wall leading the eye right across the bridge.


    There is no technical skill by me here... just a fully auto camera,

    and i was half asleep, but it's still one of my favorites.


    What do you think?

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