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Image Comments posted by mauricio_jos__schwarz

  1. There is this place where old workers' dwellings from the nineteenth

    century are preserved. I took there this young Estonian amateur

    model, with a definite aim at working on composition using the large,

    empty walls and the windows going to nowhere. Any comment will be


    Sonia 06B


    This is about the end of the variations on the last session with this

    model. Although theory says this is an unflattering angle, it seems

    to me it's not, at least in this case, and I'd especially like your

    opinion regarding this aspect of the image.



    A completely different take than the previous photo, Comments

    welcome, especially appreciated if you can take the time to compare

    the various photos in the folder.

  2. I, of course, thought the highlights on the glasses balanced out the dark right side, pulling my view towards the left. I had another version with less noticeable reflection, and chose this one based on that element.
  3. Problem with the b/w version is that you lose Van Gogh's colors, of which I am a fan. Y have no ambience portraits since all the project, while I was working as producer in Semana Negra, was precisely to isolate people from the crowd, and I concentrated on that.
  4. An experiment in candid portraiture The project: create candid

    portraits of people (mostly editors and writers) during a

    multitudinous meeting, creating a false sense of intimacy, isolating

    them from the environment. In this case, a Spanish novelist and

    editor. The background were the three versions Van Gogh painted of

    his room in Arles. There is no posing and no setup by the

    photographer. The subject was listening to his colleagues speaking in

    a round table, and there were some 200 people in the audience. I'm

    interested in knowing how it works for you.

  5. An experiment in candid portraiture

    The project: create candid portraits of people (mostly editors and

    writers) during a multitudinous meeting, creating a false sense of

    intimacy, isolating them from the environment. In this case, a

    Spanish journalist and novelist. The background were the three

    versions Van Gogh painted of his room in Arles. There is no posing

    and no setup by the photographer. The subject was listening to his

    colleagues speaking in a round table, and there were some 200 people

    in the audience. I'm interested in knowing how it works for you.

  6. The project: create candid portraits of people (mostly editors and

    writers) during a multitudinous meeting, creating a false sense of

    intimacy, isolating them from the environment. In this case, a

    Spanish comic book scriptwriter. The background were the three

    versions Van Gogh painted of his room in Arles. There is no posing

    and no setup by the photographer. The subject was listening to his

    colleagues speaking in a round table, and there were some 200 people

    in the audience. I'm interested in knowing how it works for you.

  7. Interesting, but the composition is too straight, making it uninteresting. As a suggestion, the gloves could go under the cap and glasses, leaving the right of the frame as negative space.

    Paper #16


    This is part of an ongoing series with hand-folded, colored paper,

    trying to experiment with one light source, textures, forms and

    colors. All feedback on this and the rest of the folder will be


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