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Image Comments posted by mart_van_genugten


    Her skin is good enough for direct sunlight but I find the harsh shadows more difficult to deal with in this particular image. Good expresssion.


    beautiful eyes, great expression! You should run this through photoshop, remove the scratches and sharpen it, it'll be really worth the effort.

    B&W Portrait


    Portrait taken with window light, some household spots and a

    reflector panel. The highlights are not blown in the negative but

    the scanner can't seem to handle them. Curious to hear what people

    think of this although I think a lot of people will not like the

    crude and contrasty lighting. To me it is part of the style I like.



    What do you think of this photo, i went back to the spot one extra

    time because the first time I forgot my tripod and I thought it would

    be best if taken with a small aperture.



    Nice, really great looking. A simple and brilliant idea that you can experiment with in a lot of forms and setting. You really gave me some new ideas for photos i want to take with this picture.


    The only problem I have is that it looks, but maybe that is because i'm deformed behind my pc, like a computergraphic illustration. I want to click my mouse on the first ball, expecting something to happen! :)


    Dolce Vita

    Nice one! Great idea but there is some truth in the comments made earlier, it's a great shot but the fingers in the background make it a bit too dark and cover the light too much. Maybe to have an additional light from the camera right position to lighten the fingers would help but i'm just guessing. Still a very good picture in my opinion.
  1. Hello Jeff, i think you should upload a much larger picture, now there is not a lot to see with this kind of format. What I can see is a very nice photo but I have to say it does not look spectacular, the colour of the sand looks a bit faded and the horizon seems crooked because of the slope. I think you could really improve this by taking it at sunrise or sunset.
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