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Posts posted by richard_nelson

  1. I realize that the initial post was made some time ago(1998), however with the great new transparency films out today, why could'nt you use one of them with a color corrected light source? Seems the most difficult part would be building an even light source for copy work.
  2. I have used the 500mm lens, and have found it to be quite sharp. I have'nt had the abberation problems described, but my only complaint about this lens, is the lack of a rear filter mount. Even had Pentax put a gelatin filter clip on the back of this lens, it would be a plus.
  3. I have had success just by using good old fashioned ROR Lens Cleaner, a swab, and Kodak lens tissues. Just be careful, and blow off any fuzz from the tissues using Dust Off, or an equivalent product....
  4. Hi Jeff; I've used this lens a lot, and yes, the hood is kind of useless unless you are using a filter. However, I use a filter, and only use the hood if I am shooting towards the sun. If the sun is to your back, or at least not on a low angle plain, then I leave it off. I have never had a flare problem as yet (knock on wood). If you can get a hood at a decent price, I would advise getting one just for those times it is needed.
  5. I bought this lens several years ago to replace my older 75mm f4.5. I have not been sorry. My older 75mm I could never get really good pictures with. They were always on the soft side. This new version is absolutely a gem!!!
  6. I replaced my old Bogen 3047 head years ago to a 3038 Super Ball head due to it's ease to set up. I have had no problems even with my monster 600mm lens. Just be careful to hold onto your equipment when you release the tension on the ball, things can come crashing down in a hurry if you are not careful...
  7. I have used Velvia 100 on several occasions with good results. I shoot both it, and Provia 100, and frankly cannot see a major difference in the two films. I have been pleased so far with both types. These newer films are a far cry better than the earlier Fujichrome 100D films out in the early 90's. Just my .02 worth....
  8. Also, as a tip, use a swab with some silicone lubricant to lightly (and carefully) coat the threads on the filter holder ring. I have had these seize up on me. Be careful not to overtighten the ring upon reinstallation.
  9. I have a 600mm that I bought new some years back (won't mention the price), and have had great results with it. I lock this beast onto a Bogen 3036 with the 3038 super ball head with no problems what so ever. And yes, I agree....not something you want to back pack with with. I have caried this thing for 3/4 mile on a few occasions, and wind up with my arms feeling like they've been pulled out of their sockets. Great optics though.....
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