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Posts posted by eugene_gekhter

  1. Well it's been four years since I started this popular thread. I went on to start a successful film transfer business based on some of the input I received - so much appreciated to everybody that helped along the way. While I would wish the best of luck to anyone that attempts to take on this project themselves, much like I did, there's several caveats. I've compared my quality over the years to different film transfer techniques, including the old Elmo and Goko machines and the new Workprinter machines with high-definition optics. Everytime we would upgrade the quality would get better and better, and I would start to wonder - how many people out their have VHS, MiniDV, or DVD versions of their 8mm/S8mm/16mm films and are content with their quality. A lot of companies that offer these services (with below par equipment) bias the public into thinking that due to the age of their film, the quality is not good to begin with. That's how I thought until I saw what a good high-definition transfer can offer. The colors are subtle and true, the focus is pixel perfect, and the 1080p resolution makes you feel like you're back in the decade that the film was shot. I'm not saying to go with my company over any other, but I just want people that have their films transferred to know just how beautiful their digital version can be if done properly. So to anybody that has transferred their films or is thinking about transferring their films, be sure to store the originals well, in dry, cold conditions. As technology evolves, you will still have the victor over the question of time and quality: 8mm, super 8mm, and 16mm film.
  2. Instead of dishing out hundreds of dollars to have 8mm film

    transferred professionaly, what's the optimal way to do it yourself?

    I already have a DVD-burner and firewire and capture cards on my

    computer. How can I transfer the 8mm film? Is there a way to go

    straight from 8mm film to computer or do you have to go to vhs, and

    then from vhs to computer. If anybody knows of a device that

    can "scan" 8mm film or a method that can acomplish the same result

    I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance,


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