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Image Comments posted by dusty_plank

  1. Outstanding photo. Option to use B & W was great! Photo is washed out a little on the upper right side but I actually think this enhances it somewhat. If it wasn't washed out, the plane may be lost in the photo. The only improvement I'd like to see is to rotate the photo slightly to the right so the lines in the building are perfectly verticle. Even so... you have my HIGH ratings!


    A most beautiful shot! I really don't want to sound critical but the only thing that is very disturbing to me is the black border around such a beautiful photo. It cuts right into that beautiful sky and screams out..."That's the end of this photo, there is no more sky". I can appreciate framing one's photo, but a more subtle color, softer frame would have been a wiser choice.


    I've read comments that some have left for you critizing the reflection in the glasses. Come on!!! Give me a break! This is a great photograph! I think what you have done is beautiful and I wouldn't change a thing.

    St Mark Square

    Great Pic! A formula of timing and some luck appears to be a couple of key ingredients to this great shot. A split second either way you would have lost either the girls expression or the "posed" wings of the bird. Your timing was great.



    Can't improve on this! I don't know if the depth of field was intentional but your eye is really drawn into the face. Good contrast, good color - tone qualities, good use of lighting.


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