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Image Comments posted by terry_stewart1


    I appreciate the comments. I will work on cropping and repost to see if that makes it better. Keep shooting guys.
  1. To better this picture, you could tighten up the framing. Get in closer with less background. Unless the background helps tell a story. The lighting is good. It looks like you took it in bright sunlight, which washes out the front of the jacket a little. Hope this helps.
  2. This was taken with available light and a natural background. I know

    it does not follow the rule of thirds, but could you give me some

    tips, pointers, trash it, whatever. Just looking to improve. f8 250.

    Peep Eye

    I really like the details you captured in this picture. I would have framed it a little more to the right though. The focus is just right. Also nice colors.
  3. I really like this picture. The craters formed by the water combined with his expression makes you think he is being attacked by meteors. The lighting is good, as well as the stopped action. I think the framing should have been a little more to the right though. Otherwise, great job.


    This scene is very familiar to me. The focus is just a little off, but then again, considering the circumstances, it is understandable. The lighting works. Was this taken mid day, evening, or morning?
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