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Image Comments posted by ron_van_elst1



    With this light this scene is not possible to shoot in 'real life'. So, not a photo but a COMPO.

    What's up with this people...? Personally i am getting sick and tired of all those compo's....

  1. A compo stays a compo. So you can't say this is a photo. Would it have been just as interesting with a plain gray or blue sky ? Dont think so, so spruce it up with a nice sky and suddenly the compliments are starting to pour in. It is a shame that photography has become to this these days......
  2. Another fine example of wrong thinking... No situation like this will occur in 'real life' unless you have two suns in the sky. You can't have well lit houseboats AND a sunset behind it. Light coming from 2 directions ? Dont think so. My opinion is that if Photoshop is being used, use it wisely and not just to create a 'pretty picture' for exposure.
  3. Sorry, bad composition. Too busy for the eyes. The onlooker is drawn to the middle of the pic, where there's just too much 'patchwork' visible. Don't like compo's anyway. I like the real deal please.
  4. This is fantastic. A great change from the more and more manipulated shots turning up at this site. At least this scene is something you can encounter in real life instead of all those other pics with fake skies and so on.....


    Great shot !!!

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