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Image Comments posted by paul_schamberger



    I really wish I lived in Illinois because I really would like to see your images on film. There is just no way the JPEGs can do them justice.


    This is very nice. Clearly what separates this shot from others is the colors of the image. They all match so well. Congrats to your woman who coordinated a sophisticated yet very feminine ensemble. The peacock feathers in the hair are the coup de gras for the entire outfit. Really well done.


    This is not your best image however. First, and admittedly this may be due to the scanning of the original and hence my disclaimer at the top, her skin tones match those of a mannequin. The combination of the neutral background and her very smooth features make her skin feel very cool. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but in the context that you use to shoot your models it distracts from the elegance and femininity that you use so well as a theme.


    Second, the placement of her right hand is uncomfortable. Her pose is very dynamic and engaging as she looks over her right shoulder at the camera. Her left hand stretches across her waist and her fingers extend elegantly across her hip. However, her right hand just rises over the left, bends and disappears. The angle is hard and does not match the elegance and lines throughout the rest of the image.


    That all being said, or perhaps nit picked depending on your perspective, this is a very lovely image.





    Still lifes are still by far your best work. This one is very nice, although I still think that I like the abstracts better.


    You have matched the colors of the bottle and the label very well with the leaves in the background to create your autumn feel. A bit of spirits to keep the soul warm during a cool autumn evening is a nice theme. The acorns are a nice touch and add a more rustic/country feeling to the image.


    Using the soft focus certainly prompts the viewer to use their imagination for the application of the product and its application during the season.


    The lighting is good, but you have some really bright highlights. Across the label on the lower right of the bottle is a bit hot and certainly distracting. Changing the angle of the highlight to conform to the natural lines of the bottle would also minimize its impact. Also, the transition of the highlight on the top label from shadow to highlight is abrupt and creates a distracting line.




    Aurora and me


    Images do not always have to be full of meaning. Sometimes they record awesome events of nature.


    This is a beautiful image. What makes this stand out from other landscapes is the added element of someone sitting at the edge of the pier enjoying the scene as much as the photographer.


    I wonder though why a portrait crop was used? I thought that this image was just getting lots of attention and I checked into your portfolio. Amongst other impressive landscapes were other shots of the aurora, all of them with a landscape crop except one. The reason for the exception was obvious, as some additional interesting elements of the aurora were captured because of that choice.


    Although the addition of the stars in the heavens is a nice touch, adding an additional sense of placement within the cosmos, the loss of a few of them and some of the lower portion of the pier would not lessen the impact of the image at all. This would allow some more of the aurora stripe across the image.


    None the less, this is a very nice image.

    ice skater

    I must agree with Chris that the title is a little too revealing. When I saw it I thought a child was playing a game where they could not walk on the shadow and was leaping clear of one. This is a very graceful and innocent image.
  1. The intent of good street photography is to make a connection with the subject on an emotional level.


    Here we have a man sleeping on a bench. He is surrounded by some interesting architecture. There are curves and lines to the canopy he sleeps under. There was some design thought put into the structure.


    The same is for the brickwork. Although it is nothing extraordinary or bold, it is still more complex than poured concrete or asphalt.


    The man sleeping on the bench is dirty and without any worldly possessions. A lone wrapper lies beneath the bench.


    I may be so bold to say that everybody, at least on some level, sympathizes with the homeless. So making a quick leap of logic, everybody will sympathize with this image. That by itself cannot be the measuring stick of this image.


    There is nothing in this image that allows me to get to know this man. He is just another prop in the image, like the bench, poles or bricks. I know nothing of his plight or his life. This image is merely a snapshot of a moment he is in. One in fact where he is sleeping.


    Without any emotional connection to him, how can I be moved to action? Where can I find pity, remorse or humanity? Without understanding him, how can I understand his plight? This image is as cold as the night he is confined to.



    Mrs. Olsen


    Usually I just comment on images that intrigue me. I look for images with many meanings and enjoy unraveling them. However, for this image, I just want to gush.


    I really like this image. I could write for an hour on how lovely the detail in the hair is or the whisp of smoke. Her facial expression is perfect. The subtle highlight in her right eye adds the perfect amount of mystery as does the dynamic lines in her makeup.


    The image overall has a wonderful film noir effect. The cigarette and the eyes exude confidence makes her seem like she is sizeing me up.


    A superb image full of personality and attitude.

    ........... 9


    A wonderful image that explores human relationships.


    Hands are the tools for the human body. They are the vehicle which the body uses to feed itself, groom itself, entertain itself, defend itself and a number of other uses that cannot be noted in such a small space as provided here.


    Here are two hands clasped together. They show a work that is being shared amongst them. It is the work of building a relationship and all that goes with it. From physical attraction to emotional understanding, people invest time and effort into a relationship.


    With the hands clasped, there is agreement between these people that the work is bearing fruit. The work of building a foundation for a successful relationship has been laid down.


    In the background, they prepare to kiss. The kiss shows that the foundation laid is ready to be built upon and tells us that the relationship is love. But that is not the story here, the story is the celebration and promise of something that is beginning.


    On a technical note, I wish that the hands were completely in focus. They are such an important part of the message. In addition, I would also prefer the lone finger to be folded into the hand as well.



    There is a lot of communication in this image.


    The young girl recognizes the camera and sends a personal message. This image is unique in many ways. She is young and free of teenage angst. Her message is simple and of peace. Characteristic of such a young person, her fingers are close to her face, adding charm and innocence to her message.


    Her message is different from her sign. The sign's message was written in frustration. Frustration from the lack of governmental recognition of, as the photographer put it, a wounded community. The message is not innocent.


    In a marvelous twist, the sign seems to stem from the mother's head in a cartoon like "thought bubble". Obviously the child could not create the sign, but having it come from the mother's head via the "thought bubble", it correctly gives the mother the credit for the idea.


    The mother's emotions come from negativitiy and the child's from innocence. A great contrast in age, ideas and emotions.


    A small techincal note, the woman in the lower left corner is distracting. I know there is nothing short of major photoshop work being done to correct this, but I would be remiss without mentioning it.


    A nice image with a powerful story.

  2. I normally steer clear of, if you will excuse the expression, post card type of images. However, I find the compostional elements in this one very strong and worth noting.


    The image appears very static. The lines are very straight and flat. The light is soft and other than the horizon, there are no highlights.


    However, there are enough elements that break this pattern to make the image interesting. First is the fence in the foreground. The slight dip adds a little tension and keeps the image from looking too sterile.


    Second is the lone small wave coming in. Again, it breaks the static ocean and creates interest there. This wave is also framed by two fence posts on the bottom and the lighthouse and other structure on the top.


    There are two things I would like to suggest. First is to see the fence bottom along the entire image. The current cropping seems abrupt and arbitrary.


    Second, I would like to see either more of the break in the clouds on top or none of it. I like the additional tone and texture it adds to an already dynamic sky, but I do not think that the current cropping is enough to contribute to the image.

  3. I find this image uncomfortable. That is not to say that it is bad though. Indeed that reaction shows its power.


    This is a very sterile environment. The walls are white, but there is no life on them. They do not show paintings or any other pictures. The door patterns on the left wall repeat. No style or attempt at form. They are there because they are there. The floor is very polished and clean. But yet again, it is very umremarkable in visual appeal.


    To break up this pattern the hall has various institutional impliments. There is a trash can on wheels. This is a design not for the comfort of the residents, but for the ease of the employees. The same for the various food carts in the hall. This is a structure designed for the efficency of the employees, not the comfort of the residents.


    Finally, and most stirring, is the lone resident we see. She is alone in this efficent institution. No one to comfort her, help her or brighten her day. Her physical needs are tended to in an efficient way, but her emotional needs are sacrificed.


    Her head is bowed down. Why? I feel that she has surrendered her dignity to this institution. Caring for her physical needs has become so paramount that her dignity is neglected. Does she not want to be recognized by the camera in such a place during her twilight years? Is she so alone in this place that she just does not bother to look for another human anymore?



    This photo makes me feel like I was cheated.


    It is very mysterious. All we have is a pair of eyes, gazing out of the dark. There is enough texture in her garmet to keep those eyes from just floating in the dark.


    I also think that the mystery adds to the sex appeal. Now excuse me for going out on a limb here in today's political climate, but her eyes feel very warm and soothing. Is she erotic,of course not. However, she is sexy in a feminine and mysterious way. Her eyes lure me into something more. Something that I find very appealing.


    Yet I still feel cheated. It is not because I am unable to see more of her body. Indeed, by doing so would ruin the mystery of this image and its appeal. I really regret that her right eye is not illuminated more. All we can gather about her in this image is from her eyes. However, the lighting only illuminates one fully. Although this image is able to retain its appeal and feeling, I cannot help but to believe that I might be missing something because of this. Of course I do not think that I am and really there is nothing more for me to learn about her, but none the less the image feels imcomplete.

    Carlos (1 of 3)


    This is a moving portrait.


    Here you have a gang member whose life, to that point, is filled with drugs and violence. He is a member of a social structure that values physical strength and a hardened personality.


    Yet you show him, and admit his ambition is to make, his own art. His art, and if I may compare to something I know well, is like my photography. It is not polished or refined. However, there is potential for something greater. Yet, and this is where the anology falls apart, his lifestyle is not compatable with his ambition.


    His depicted lifestyle emphasizes a hardened lifestyle that values a lack of emotionalism. Yet the art he is shown with, religious icons and portraits, are full of emotion and expression. Like the contrasts of the deep blacks and bright whites in the image, his current life and his ambitions contrast. Although his current life may provide inspiration for his ambition, he cannot persue his ambition for his lifestyle will not permit it.


    A tragedy to be sure.


    I like the way you got to know your subject and was able to express this so well visually. Even without your explanation, I think that this image communicates very well what you learned about this person.


    A couple of technical notes. His face is slightly dark. More illumination would give him more personality and add to the impact of the image. Second, the edge of the table is highlighted and adds nothing to the image.


    I enjoyed this image very much.

  4. I am not sure that moving the elements closer together would help the image. Although I agree that it is an idea worth trying. Perhaps you could crop some off the top to achieve the same effect.


    The color on this is very nice. There are a nice variety of shapes and forms for the eye to follow.


    The building on the right , other than the windows, is a tad dark. It really weighs down the image. Again, perhaps cropping some off of the top will help.



    I agree with most of the comments above.


    I would prefer a to see more of the repitition of the arches from a different angle off to the left more.



  5. This image is more about the flowers than the door behind it. The bright colors cover the lower third of the image and command attention in the image.


    The door is partially hidden. This makes it an awkward indicator of scale for the image.


    The image is also a bit over exposed. The flowers are a bit bright and there really is a lack of shadow.



    An image of motion.


    The passing train adds line and textrue, as well as motion. With the wide angle, diagonals are formed to give a feeling of tension.


    I am not sure that the tilting of the image adds any impact. I find myself moving my head to try and reverse the tilt. I think it creates interest, but tilting the edge of the station parallel to the left of the frame is extreme.


    Bright highlight on the upper right is also a distraction.



    I really like the compostion of this image. All of the elements are well placed. I really want to explore this place.


    First, beginning in the courtyard in front of the church. Here is a nice open space where the entire scene can be enjoyed. The front of the church is simple, but there is plenty of texture and detail to explore.


    Moving to the left is a path that is simple. A dirt road free of obstructions beckons me on. Again I can enjoy the textures of the stone buildings.


    Finally I end at the clock tower. Again, the repeated textures I have enjoyed resurface.


    This is a pleasent visual journey.


    It is however, over exposed. The light on the road and in the sky is completely washed out. Less exposure and perhaps shooting in the later afternoon would provide detail in both the road and the sky. This would dramatically increase the impact of the image.



    A study in perpective. Images from under a bridge are a common way of doing this.


    This image is lacking impact because of the highlights. At the vanishing point, the outside world is nearly washed out. This is further complicated by the refection in the water. The sides also are over exposed as the light from the water and surrounding environment refelcts under the bridge. This washes out the texture from the masonry.


    The path and railing add little to the image. They form stagnet lines that actually break the tension of the diagonals reflected in the water.


    A change in camera location and time of day would significantly increase the impact of this image.



    There is a lot of peace in this portrait. The eyes are full feel natural. The smile, like the light, is soft and delicate. The feeling of security and peace is further enhanced by the face being against the cushion. This is the position I would associate with a hug.


    A couple of small nit picks. Her collar is a little hot. Probably nothing could be done about that, but it is distracting. Also, her left eye is not completely open and is a little expressionless. However, because of the strength of the right eye and her mouth, this is hardly a problem. Just something to think about.


    Cauldron 1


    Here is a rough lot.


    This image reminds me of the conquering of the American West.


    These men appear to to live a Spartain life. There is a humble shack in the backrground. No wires, pipes or antennas to even imply of the creature luxuries that we all seem to enjoy. They cook over an open flame a generic meal shared by all from a big pot.


    There is no expression of joy from the men, but there is no sign of hardship either. These men are independent, from society. However, ironically they are dependent on each other to share chores, work and even social relationships.


    They seem content with their lives because they choose them. It is what they want and it is what makes them happy.


    This image is very mysterious. A lone figure lurks in the shadows and out of the two light sources. Is he a sinister individual or is he a friend? I do not know. The two light sources are warm and cold, adding to the mystery of the image, the figure and my question.



    Whenever I see a manipulated negative or image, I try and guage whether or not the image was strong before the manipulation.


    I do not think that her pose is that strong. She seems rather stiff and static. However, her head seems to add some interest to the image. The gloved hand adds some elegance to the image.


    The manipulation adds to the image. Although the pose is static, the lines are clean and elegant. The manipulation itself adds an antique feeling to the image, adding romanticism.

  6. A nice playful image that is about color.


    The photographer has done a wonderful job on capturing color here. Not only the color of the paint, but also the color of the girl's clothing. It adds life and quite a bit of appeal to the image.


    But, I also like the capture of the girl's interest in the color. She is painting not to recreate or represent something, but just to make color. Her bush stroke is slow and not blurred in the image and her focus is not on the brush itself, but on the color on the wall. She has a fascination with the simplicity of the paint. There really is nothing else but innocence.


    Some would argue that showing her face would increase the impact of the image. It may give it more of a that's cute responce, but at the sacrifice of capturing this moment and interaction with the color. By doing so the real impact of the image would be significantly damaged. We would not see what the child was looking at. The feeling of fascination and innocence would disappear.

  7. Your title creates a problem with this image.


    By calling this "Cupid's Casualty" I expect to see something relating to falling in love or perhaps love passing away. This image leaves me with no indication of either.


    I realize that the title references a place, but the use of casualty implies an action that is not evident.


    Then there is the issue of using cupid to title an image of a man sleeping on the street. Again, I would expect to find some love. Nothing in this image implies love. There is a man asleeep on the steps. I hesitate in calling him homeless, because he does not have a number of items with him, he appears clean and is clean shaven and his cloths are not in disrepair.


    So I am left wondering about what I see here. Is he sleeping off last night's bender? Is he homeless? Was he a jilted lover? I do not know.


    Without these answers, I wonder about the purpose of the image. I notice two people in the background apparently watching you take the image. Are you the spectacle here?


    If so, what about the subject?

  8. This is a stiking image.


    The sky is full of motion. The moon is blurred and the clouds are drifting pass. This motion implies a feeling of time passing. The blurs give this idea a dreamy and sleepy feel. This is further enhanced by the grainy feel of the sky.


    Then there is the beach. A number of vacant chairs line the beach. To contrast with the sky, they are static and motionless. Without motion, there is a sence of object.


    This is a wonderful image of contrasts. It brings to mind questions of man's place in a dynamic universe.


    The name on the lower left corner is really distracting in this dark image. It functions as a highlight and the eye is drawn to it unnaturally.



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