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Image Comments posted by rhonda_mankin


    This is cropped in a strange way....I am not for sure whether I want to see more sky or no sky at all..? The house numbers...humm the first thing I noticed..Still trying to figure out the plant...it appears to be winter but yet this lovely tree is so vibrant and so alive...unlike the weather or the house.
  1. I just love this photo...I actually have a bookmark on it! I am a first yr. photo major and I just tried to recreate this for one of my projects...needless to say I just couldn't do it...I even went out searching for the Glitter Glue. Now that is an experience by itself...I felt like my skin was soooo tight I couldn't even speak. I tried it with a candle instead of the lighter and I just developed the contac sheets today. I came out too white like I was overexposed but the background was fine. My glittery body didn't come out like yours..and I put that stuff on thick! I was sooo shiny but it just didn't show up in the photo. I have a Nikon FG20 I also used f2.8 at bulb for 30 seconds.

    Well anyway....this is just an absolutely GREAT photo. I am going to keep working on it myself.

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