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teemu vedenoja

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Image Comments posted by teemu vedenoja

  1. Thanks for the comment. You're quite right about the exposure. Thing is, this one's taken on slide-film and scanned with a rather crappy scanner about 8 years ago. The original was a bit underexposed and the scanner issue didn't help bringing out the darkest values.

    I tried to bring them up in Photoshop, but that just brought a awful lot of noise on those areas so I left it as it is.

    Your edit looks good. I suppose it's the small size that makes the noise invisible.

  2. At the first glance I thought this to be a shot of someone's tools on a wall.

    It's great to see that every now and then someone comes up with a technique that, while still producing photographs as we know them, looks new.

    I can only hope to be as intuitive. Well done Cris.



    Your filter works well. The reason I asked this is because the sun seems to be quite high yet the colors suggest late evening or early morning.

    I like the composition too :)



    I like this a lot. Have to say I'm starting to get quite addicted to artificial light and the strange colors it produces sometimes.

    Did you take more photos from this location?

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