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Image Comments posted by eviesmithphotography



    another one of my cat photos (i have many of them - photos and cats

    that is)... this is one of my rescue ones who was a feral when

    initially found and now thinks that my home is her private domain

  1. i really like this picture - everything from the texture through to the 3 dimensional quality. i think it is very well done and has a lot of feeling - am surprised it was done on a scanner and i initially missed that part in the description. However, no matter how it was produced it is the feeling it conveys is probably the most important
  2. I like this photo - i like the colours, the textures, the lighting and the sharpness of the pic. At the end of the day what is important in photography is that the photographer enjoyed taking the photo and likes the final output - anyone else liking the photo is an added bonus. What i didnt like about the photo is the dark patch in the top left hand corner - it seems to distract my eye from the lovely shaped steps and the (i think) overwhelming black border. Those two points though dont stop me from liking and enjoying the picture - well done on POW and congrats on a rather nice portfolio
  3. This is an excellent POW - so much so that it has forced me to make my first post - the entire picture shows a slice of life and has so many interesting nuances to it that each time you look you see something more. Seeing this photo prompted me to view the rest of the portfolio and after initially being depressed at the excellent pictures (yes Mr. Dummett you are indeed an artist) it has now inspired me to start taking photographs again (i have had a break of 7 years).. so very well done Mr. Dummett and hopefully at some stage you will have yet a third POW
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