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Image Comments posted by jud

    Magma II

    Nice shot. I prefer this one to the last (with only the two parts of the earth) because it tells more of a story. The lighting also brings the elements together better. I'd like to see a little more of the eyes, or remove the bright spot on the right-side eye (his left). A creative piece overall. Regards, Jud


    I think this is my favorite of your portfolio... You've captured mood here, and the title says it all. You might consider burning the light spots on the cars near the hand and chin so that the highlights on the hat and face become the brightest parts of the image. The hat could almost tell the entire story itself-- it's unique texture and lighting work well, as does the placement of the hand in the frame. Regards, Jud


    I prefer this color version over the BW... The skin tones give it more impact because they contrast with the otherwise graphic elements. The BW is not as shocking because it doesn't seem alive. Well done! Regards, Jud
  1. Cropping this image (keeping approximately the upper right 2/3 to make the turtle and tracks larger might make it stronger, and shooting earlier or later in the day would bring out the texture of the tracks in the sand, although I realize you take to take this sort of shot when you find it. Regards, Jud

    Sky Spider

    This is creepy, and very unusual. The motion blur is effective, increasing the "fear factor". I like the minimalist approach, and the lack of any visible support-- makes me wonder what is keeping it from coming towards ME. Great catch, although I don't think too many people would be brave enough to hang it on their wall :P Regards, Jud
  2. Vincent- This is my favorite of your recent shots: It's very graphic and somewhat of a departure from your usual style (NOT a criticism :) but with your trademark brilliant colors. I hope this does well for you. Regards, Jud


    Great textures in this shot. I suspect that a little PS treatment to bost the saturation and/or contrast would really make this shot pop. Nice capture anyway. Regards, Jud

    Carnaval II

    This is my favorite of the your folder. In addition to the pleasant subject matter, the repeating curves give this a graphic as well as sexy feeling. Regards, Jud
  3. I too like the tone and/or light... It gives this image a quiet, lonely feeling. Because of the fence-like brush, the unconcerned birds and the isolated tree, I feel like I'm peeking into some secret place. Nicely done. Regards, Jud

    Iris explosion

    The thumbnail really caught my eye-- it seemed crisp and vibrant like some underwater creature. I was disappointed to discover the PS effects so heavy. I don't know if your original is that way, but I'd be interested in seeing that one, or perhaps blending this image with the original... The colors are powerful, almost shocking, and the shapes work well together. Regards, Jud


    I like the grainy feel of this shot. I might suggest a tighter crop since all the action is happening in the middle. Regardless, you've captured a good sense of movement that is emphasized by the grain.
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