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Posts posted by fred_kamphues

  1. It is no longer allowed to take photographs of the Penguin Parade, even without using flash. There has been so much abuse from people who use their flash, that they have decided to ban ALL cameras. Even professional photographers are NOT welcome anymore.
  2. Valparaiso is a photographers dream.

    Example: http://www.photo.net/photo/1100965&size=lg

    I do not agree with people who say that there's nothing to see in Santiago. There are heaps of subjects to shoot (e.g. http://www.photo.net/photo/875743).

    One of the things I really liked there was the large fruit market.


    I would recommend bringing a longer lens as well (min. 200 mm) and 200 ISO should be more than enough with the available light.


    Have fun!


    Fred Kamphues<div>0066MO-14632784.JPG.892cc83ea7e6bfd048309d02368296d5.JPG</div>

  3. There are a couple of good books by Ron and Viv Moon, covering National Parks and 4WD tracks.


    In addition you can have a look at my website: www.millhouse.nl/australia.html


    I have spent a large portion of the last three years photographing in Australia.

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