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Posts posted by lou_defreitas

  1. This weekend I shot a wedding and something happened to my SB800. (luckily at the very end of the shoot)


    Prior to this shoot it used to fit securely in the mount on my D300, an OFF-CAMERA TTL CORD and my old D70s. I

    had been using it on a Flash Rotating Bracket - CB Junior Kit using a Promaster OFF-CAMERA TTL Cord NK.



    All of a sudden the SB800 would not stay on the OFF-CAMERA TTL CORD. Even with the lock it would not stay. It

    would continue to flash as long as I held it from slipping back. So I decided to just mount on the camera and the

    lock when turned to the right would keep it on the camera but it was sure loose. I noticed that when you turn the

    SB800 lock to the right a pin comes down into a small hole on the camera flash holder but the Promaster OFF-

    CAMERA TTL Cord NK does not have a pin hole. So I think I broke my SB800 locking switch.


    Anyone else have a similar issue???? Like to hear thoughts before I send the SB800 to get fixed.

  2. First, good luck with your wedding!


    This post has been very educational to 35mm vs. medium format, but is digital a viable option. Can a high resolution digital create good enlargements and capture reception action shots?



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